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Academic Year Undergraduate Research Initiative (AYURI)

Standard AYURI

AYURI will support up to three faculty-student research collaborations per academic division each academic semester. Faculty members (tenure or tenure-track) may work with up to two students per semester. If some divisions have fewer than two faculty applicants, funds may be used to support additional faculty in divisions with multiple applications. Faculty members will receive $500 per student that may be used to support the research project (e.g. books, supplies, equipment). Students will receive a $1,000 scholarship ONLY if they are eligible for aid.

Proposals will be submitted via email to Sevana Hanneyan in the Office of Research, Grants, and Foundation Relations or can be submitted through the Internal Research Programs - Application Form. Funding recommendations will be made by the Vice Provost and the Divisional Dean for each academic division. A short proposal (2-3 pages) should include the name of the student(s), a brief description of the project, the student role in the project, and a budget indicating how the $500 will be used to support the project. Funded projects will be expected to complete the Internal Research Report Form by August 15, 2025


Additionally, the Office of the Vice Provost has continued funding for faculty-student research teams whose research falls into the category of gender-related research. If awarded, a research team will receive a $500 supply fund, both the faculty member and the student will receive a $500 stipend for their participation in the project, and the student will receive a $1,000 scholarship ONLY if they are eligible for aid. If you would like to be considered, please make a "Gender AYURI" note on your application. If you wish your proposal for the gender-based AYURI, if not awarded, to be considered for a standard AYURI grant, please indicate so when submitting your application. Funding recommendations for these awards are made by members of the Committee on Women Faculty.

Proposals will be submitted via email to Sevana Hanneyan in the Office of Research, Grants, and Foundation Relations or can be submitted through the Internal Research Programs - Application Form. Funding recommendations will be made by the Seaver Committee on Women Faculty. The Gender-AYURI proposal should be brief (3-5 pages) and include a description of the project, literature review, a detailed description of the student role in the project, and a budget indicating how the $500 will be used to support the project. Please review the Seaver Committee on Women Faculty's Gender-AYURI Rubric for Award Decisions as you develop your proposal. Funded projects will be expected to complete the Internal Research Report Form by August 15, 2025

Application Deadlines

Faculty applying for fall semester funding will have applications turned in by August 7, 2024, while spring semester applications will be turned in by December 8, 2024.

NOTE: Students that receive either Standard AYURI or Gender-AYURI funding are expected to present at the Seaver College Research and Scholarly Achievement Symposium held each spring. Fall projects will be presented in the subsequent spring banquet, while spring projects will be presented the following year.

Sample Applications: