Cross-Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research
The Cross-Disciplinary/Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research (CDIUR) Program involves undergraduate research that emphasizes students and faculty working together from diverse disciplines. The CDIUR program will run during the summer 2025 sessions I, II, and III.
All student and faculty participants are required to attend the opening reception on May 2025.
This program involves one group of three faculty members (tenure or tenure-track) from three different disciplines. This 'research cluster' will meet informally in the spring semester in preparation for more intensive summer work. Faculty members will select one research student from their own disciplines. Faculty and students will work on the project throughout the summer and use the fall semester to draw the project to a conclusion, including possible dissemination of a research product at a conference. Each group will be required to present their research at Seaver College's annual Research and Scholarly Achievement Symposium in Spring 2026. A brief report should be submitted to Sevana Hanneyan in the Office of Research, Grants, and Foundation Relations by August 15, 2025, describing the research activities that took place during the summer.
Funding for this program will provide a $4,200 summer stipend for each of the three faculty members and a $2,200 summer stipend for each student.
Each interested faculty group should submit a 2-3 page proposal indicating who the faculty participants would be and the general topic that the group will address. Briefly indicate the plans for meeting as a group in the spring and how the group will work together in the summer. Please have each participating faculty member sign the proposal. Names of students do not have to be provided at this time.
Please submit proposals for this project as well as a current C.V. for each participating faculty member through the Internal Research Programs - Application Form by February 5, 2025 (Extended Deadline: February 16, 2025). Decisions on awards will be made and notification letters sent by April. Funded projects will be expected to complete the Internal Research Report Form by August 15, 2025.