Attend Disability Awareness Week
March 11 through March 15, 2024, will mark Pepperdine’s fifth annual Disability Awareness Week, a student-organized and student-staffed event designed to inform the campus community about disability issues, to create a sense of disability pride, and to articulate meaningful actions for students with disabilities that go beyond the week’s activities.
The Pepperdine community is invited to participate in the following Disability Awareness Week events:
Information Tabling with Trivia
Monday, March 11 - Friday, March 15 | 10 AM to 2 PM | Lower Mullin Town Square
Stop by to learn more about disability and access and pick up a free awareness cookie. These cookies will be color-coded according to the support color corresponding to a medical condition and will come with an informational handout. The awareness cookies, provided by Maddy Bear Bakes, are gluten-free, vegan, and free of all top-eight allergens. Attendees can also pick up informational cards, register for a book giveaway, and play trivia games to win raffle prizes.
The Genesis Lab will be open from 11 AM to 4 PM for students to utilize the 3D printer to create accessible items with examples provided at the table. Please reach out to for more information about the Genesis Lab.
Cultures of Critical Transformation and Visual Accessibility with Chad Iwertz Duffy
Monday, March 11 | 4 PM to 5:30 PM | Weisman Museum
Chad Iwertz Duffy (’08), assistant professor of English and director of Pepperdine’s Social Action and Justice Program, invites the community to participate in the work of image description, a tool that can increase accessibility and transform inclusivity by offering tips, definitions, and a workshop building visual access using materials in collaboration with the Weisman Museum. This workshop encourages participants to incorporate the foundations of access and accessibility into their everyday lives.
Accommodation and Accessibility in the Workplace
Tuesday, March 12 | Noon to 2 PM | BPC 189
Join an interactive discussion about disability in the workplace featuring panelists Elizabeth Pode, disability activist and career coach at the Graziadio Business School; Mickey Triffo, accessibility specialist at the Office of Student Accessibility; and Mary Goodwin-Oquendo, an adjunct professor of law at Fordham University School of Law, who will discuss navigating job interviews, accommodation, and other workplace issues through the lens of disability. This event will be useful to anyone in the career-planning and career-exploration process.
Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution Movie Viewing
Tuesday, March 12 | 6:30 PM to 9 PM | Elkins Auditorium
Watch the 2020 documentary film, Crip Camp: A Disability Revolution. Written and directed by James Lebrecht and Nicole Newnham, this film chronicles the true story of a group of teens with disabilities who met at a summer camp. This event will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Pepperdine community members.
Activist in Action Panel
Wednesday, March 13 | 11:30 AM to 1 PM | Surfboard Room (within Payson Library 2nd floor)
Attend a panel presentation from disabled Pepperdine community members discussing their own efforts in disability visibility and activism. The panelists will speak about their experiences, work, and dreams on and off campus. This panel will be moderated by associate provost Jennifer Smith.
American Sign Language (ASL) Class
Wednesday, March 13 | 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM | AC 290
Mimi Dao, resident director in the Office of Housing and Residence Life, will lead an introductory workshop that provides background and context on ASL, along with instruction on the ASL alphabet and basic vocabulary. Virtual participation will be available.
Accessible Yoga
Thursday, March 14 | 9 AM to 10:30 AM | The Lighthouse Patio
Participate in a therapeutic and accessible yoga practice made for all bodies, led by professional yoga instructor Kat Ibarra. Attendees can bring their own personal yoga mat, but equipment will be provided for all participants. This event is sponsored by Campus Recreation and RISE.
Self-Advocacy Workshop
Thursday, March 14 | 6 PM to 8 PM | BPC 189
Elizabeth Pode, disability activist and career coach at the Graziadio Business School, will lead an interactive workshop that will inform community members about ways they can practice self-advocacy through collaborative community formation, strategic planning, and collective action. Refreshments will be provided from Sweet Laurel Bakery. Virtual participation will be available.
Leroy Moore Event
Friday, March 15 | 4 PM to 6 PM | Fireside Room
Hear from Leroy Moore, a writer, poet, community activist, and a hip-hop and music lover. Born with cerebral palsy, Moore co-founded Krip-Hop Nation, a movement that uses hip-hop as a means of expression for people with disabilities. In this interactive session, attendees will dive deep into the Krip-Hop world through new terminology, concepts, correct lyrics, and videos.
Neurodiversity Presentation
Friday, March 15 | 6 PM to 7 PM | BPC 188
The Pepperdine Neurodiversity Association will share helpful information about neurodiversity, a term for the idea that people perceive, experience, and interact with the world around them in many different ways. Topics will include what it means to be neurodivergent, person-first versus identity-first language, the value of using neurologically inclusive language, and how to create sensory-safe spaces. Virtual participation will be available.
For more information about Disability Awareness Week events, follow Community Engagement and Service on Instagram at @pepperdineserves or email Christin Shatzer Román at