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Overload Stipend & Banked Units


Gary Mangiofico

Per the PGBS Faculty Handbook, "Overload teaching is discouraged.  An overload is defined as more than the contracted units in an academic year. However, the need for overload teaching within a discipline will be established by the Department Chair" (p.29-30).

"The faculty member chooses whether the overload teaching compensation will be provided as banked units or overload pay, unless banked units are not available. Overload compensation will not be paid until the trimester in which the faculty member teaches more than the annual contracted units" (p. 30).  See the process below. 

Process for Requesting Overload Stipend

  • Per the faculty handbook, complete this Google form identifying which course(s) you would like to be paid an overload stipend
  • Once approved by your Department Chair, Faculty Affairs will update your individual contract spreadsheet and process payment with Human Resources.

Starting in AY 2022-23, Faculty Affairs will be processing requests for overload payments in the Spring and Summer terms only (not in the Fall term).  The goal is to ensure that the faculty member fulfills their contract (both administrative/teaching units) before requesting overload pay.  Faculty Affairs will send a Google Form to request to:  1) get paid an overload stipend, 2) bank units, 3) or use bank units.

Session A Courses

Will be divided between two months of payroll

(Spring) February & March

(Summer) June & July

Session B Courses

Will be divided between two months of payroll

(Spring) March & April

(Summer) June & July

Full Term Courses

Will be divided across multiple monthly payrolls

(Spring) February - April

(Summer) June - August

Bank Units Policy

Consistent with the Faculty Handbook, the following are the current policies at PGBS:

  • Participating Faculty (Tenured, Tenure Track, Practitioners) cannot exceed 12 banked units without exceptional circumstances and with written approval by the Dean.
  • Supporting Faculty (e.g., Instructors/Lecturers) are generally not eligible to bank units. (NOTE: banked units may occur due to scheduling variability in any given year, but these should not accumulate and should generally be resolved within one academic year with written approval by the ADAA)

To identify which course(s) you would like to bank for the following academic year, complete this Google form.

Once approved by your Department Chair, Faculty Affairs will update your individual contract spreadsheet and document your banked units for future reference.

Process for Using Banked Units

Do you plan on using your banked units to fulfill your annual contract?  If so, please complete this short Google form identifying the number of banked units you wish to use.  Once the form is completed, you will receive an email confirmation with your remaining banked units available.


Please contact your Department Chair if you have any questions.