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Expense Reimbursements

While conducting research and/or teaching at Pepperdine, you may incur out-of-pocket expenses that require reimbursement. Below you will find policies, procedures, and forms for getting reimbursed in a timely manner.

Purpose Form
To reimburse any out-of-pocket expenses (meals, transportation, lodging, etc.) and mileage

Expense Reimbursement Form (2024)


Per diem policy to reimburse out-of-pocket expenses for meals, lodging, and incidental travel expenses only.  No receipts are needed, the reimbursement rate is pre-set.

Per Diem Guidelines for PGBS Faculty

Per Diem Reimbursement Form

Pepperdine Campus Mileage Chart Mileage Rates

Out-of-Pocket Expenses (non-mileage): Option #1

To reimburse any out-of-pocket expenses (meals, transportation, lodging, etc.), please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the PGBS Expense Reimbursement Form (2024)
  2. Complete the top portion of the form.  
  3. Indicate which method of reimbursement you prefer (paper check or direct deposit).   
    reimbursement type
  4. Insert date, choose expense type from drop-down, add a detailed description, and enter expense amount.
  5. Use one line item per receipt.
  6. Number all receipts corresponding to the line item on the expense form.
  7. Scan all receipts into (1) PDF document.
  8. Save the document as your first/last name and date (i.e. joe_smith_1-20-2024).
  9. Submit your expense report (excel format) and supporting documentation (PDF format) in Wavenet.

Per Diem Expenses (non-mileage): Option #2

To reimburse out-of-pocket expenses for meals, lodging, and incidental travel expenses only, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download and complete the PGBS Per Diem Reimbursement Form.  
  2. Indicate which method of reimbursement you prefer (paper check or direct deposit). 
  3. Insert employee information, travel details, and complete any relevant sections.
  4. When requesting reimbursement via the per diem allowance, no receipts are needed.
  5. Submit your completed Per Diem Reimbursement Form in Wavenet.

Foreign Currency Expenses

If you used your credit card for the purchase, enter the converted US dollar amount as indicated on your credit card statement. If you purchase the item with currency, please follow the steps below:

  1. Follow all of the instructions found in the "Out-of-Pocket Expenses (non-mileage)" section above.
  2. Under the expense amount column, type in the amount of each receipt in the foreign currency.
  3. Use the OANDA website to calculate the conversion rate at the date of the expense.
    Oanda chart
  4. Under the currency conversion rate column, input the US dollar rate as indicated on the OANDA website (use the average bid rate indicated above). The expense reimbursement form will automatically calculate the US dollar equivalent of your expense.
  5. Save this page as a PDF document and add it with your receipts.

Mileage expenses

Please review the University policy on mileage reimbursement.

To request mileage reimbursement, please follow the steps below:

  1. Download the  Expense Reimbursement Form (2024).
  2. Complete the top portion of the form.   
  3. Indicate which method of reimbursement you prefer (paper check or direct deposit).
    reimbursement type
  4. Insert date, choose expense type from drop-down, enter mileage information (the form will auto calculate the amount), and detailed description.
  5. Use one line item per trip.
  6. If traveling to a place other than a Pepperdine campus, please use Map Quest or Google Maps to calculate miles and save as a PDF document.
  7. Scan all supporting documentation into (1) PDF document.
  8. Save the document as your first/last name and date (i.e. joe_smith_8-20-2024).
  9. Submit your expense report (excel format) and supporting documentation (PDF format) in Wavenet.


You attend a conference/symposium in Santa Monica. Your home base campus is in Irvine. You leave from your home and drive to the conference in Santa Monica (round trip).

house1 arrow house2
(Start from home)   (Conference in Santa Monica)

How do you calculate your mileage?

  • Using Map Quest or Google Maps, calculate the mileage from your home residence to the hotel.
  • Using the Map Quest or Google Maps, calculate the mileage from your home residence to your Pepperdine home base campus (Irvine, WLA, CAL, Malibu).
  • Subtract the number of miles from your home residence to your home base campus (commuting miles) from the number of your home residence to the hotel.
  • Use one line for each roundtrip (double the miles).

Total trip miles - commuting miles = reimbursable miles


You went to the Irvine campus to meet with a student in the morning. You traveled to the West Los Angeles Campus for an afternoon meeting. Your home base campus is Irvine. You went home after leaving the West Los Angeles Campus. See Pepperdine Campus mileage chart.

house 3 arrow house4 arrow house1
(Irvine)   (WLA)   (Home)

How do you calculate your campus-to-campus mileage?

  • Using the drop-down menu on the expense reimbursement form, select the campus where your trip started.
  • In the next column, using the drop-down menu, select the campus where your trip ended.
  • See Pepperdine Campus mileage chart for the approved campus-to-campus mileage. Enter the number of miles between campuses.
  • Describe the purpose of the trip in the detailed description section.
  • Use one line per trip (Irvine to West Los Angeles).
  • Use another line for West Los Angeles to your home residence (subtract your one-way commuter miles).


Campus miles - commuting miles = reimbursable miles

Teaching mileage reimbursements are incurred when faculty teach at locations that are not their designated campus base.  Class mileage is calculated by determining the miles between the campus base and the teaching campus.  Mileage should be submitted monthly or weekly as your schedule permits, but not more than 120 days after occurrence.

Timeline for Reimbursement

To ensure timely reimbursement, receipts for all expenses should be submitted within 45 days of the purchase date. Per University policy, after 120 days, reimbursements become taxable income.  As a result, the school incurs additional expenses which include payroll taxes and payroll burden (17%).  For example, an original $100 reimbursement after the 120 days would now cost the school closer to an estimated $185 after taxes and burden are added.  Faculty are strongly encouraged to submit reimbursements on time; late submissions (taxes/burden) will be charged faculty personal development funds to cover additional expenses. 

2-4 weeks Check/direct deposit received by faculty
# of Days Estimated Expense Reimbursement Turnaround*
0-45 days Expense incurred and reimbursement request submitted by faculty into Wavenet
7-14 days Expense reimbursement approved by HR supervisor and/or budget
manager, then processed by University Accounts Payable

*Pending supporting documentation has been submitted 


Expense reimbursement module or policies: Accounts Payable - Brandie Matthews or Office of Finanical Planning

Chartfield string questions: Spencer Hardman