Black History Month Speaker Series Begins Friday, February 4
The Center for Global Partnerships and Learning in association with the Graduate School of Education and Psychology are excited to present the Black History Month Speaker Series in keeping with our mission to elevate voices in the community. Please join us throughout the month of February as we kick off our inaugural virtual Zoom event with our guest and keynote speaker, Dr. Tamara Lewis from Southern Methodist University this Friday, February 4 from 5:00-6:30pm PST/8:00-9:30pm EST. Her talk is on, "'WHAT SAY WE NOW?' Critical Race Theory, Black History and the American Legacy of Church and State."
Additionally, each week throughout the month of February, we will have a series of
speakers and topics to celebrate Black History Month. Our goal for this celebration
and speaker series is to educate scholars and our partners on the importance of Black
history to the overarching history of the United States and the broader world. You
will see emails coming through with the dates and times of all speakers forthcoming
during the month.
Please register today to attend the keynote talk by Dr. Tamara Lewis by clicking the
following link: Please see the attached flyer for more information about our keynote speaker and
feel free to pass this email on to others you know who may also want to attend this