Institutional Review Board
- Purpose of the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
- Six Steps to Completing an IRB Application (Applicants Start Here)
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Pepperdine University IRB Administrative Personnel
Purpose of the IRB
Pepperdine University Institutional Review Boards (IRB) aims to provide a full circle of protection for research participants and researchers by:
- Promoting and facilitating the protection of rights, welfare, and dignity of human research participants;
- Helping ensure compliance with federal regulations, state laws, and University policies and national standards for research involving human research participants;
- Providing timely and directed high quality education, review, and monitoring for human research projects;
- Assist investigators in conducting ethical, sound research of the highest quality that complies with applicable regulations.
Three Units within the IRB
- The IRB Review Unit coordinates, reviews, and approves all human research protocols; and provides non-human subject verification for studies that do not involve human participants directly. The IRB Review Unit consults with investigators and guides them to support more efficient applications, and also coordinates cross-institutional research projects and works with external IRBs to approve and monitor research projects.
- The Education and Training Unit is responsible for providing and coordinating targeted education and training initiatives of the Pepperdine community, including investigators, research participants, and IRB Board Members.
- The Quality Improvement Unit reviews and manages reports of unanticipated problems, protocol violations and incidents, and conducts internal audits of ongoing studies to ensure that all activities are up to the standards set forth by federal, state, and university-wide policies. Quality Improvement Unit also monitors and measures the effectiveness and quality of the IRB.
When is an application necessary?
When a faculty member, student, and/or employee of Pepperdine University wishes to conduct research, the research proposal must be reviewed by one of the following IRBs:
- Graduate and Professional Schools (GPS) IRB: Responsible for reviewing research applications of investigators from the Graduate School of Education and Psychology, Graziadio Business School, Caruso School of Law, and School of Public Policy.
- Seaver College IRB: Responsible for reviewing applications of investigators from any division/department within Seaver College. Staff members or employees of Pepperdine who do not have a faculty appointment, but who are conducting research investigations should also submit IRB applications to the Seaver College IRB.
It is the policy of Pepperdine University that all research involving human participants must be conducted in accordance with accepted ethical, federal, and professional standards for research and that all such research must be approved by one of the university's IRBs. In the review and conduct of research, Pepperdine University is guided by the ethical principles set forth in the Belmont Report.
In addition, all human subjects research conducted by or under the auspices of Pepperdine University will be performed in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations, DHHS (CFR), Title 45 Part 46 (45 CFR 46), entitled Protection of Human Research Subjects, and Parts 160 and 164, entitled Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information and the California Protection of Human Subjects in Medical Experimentation Act. Where applicable, FDA regulations on human subjects research will be followed (CFR Title 21 Parts 50 and 56, Protection of Human Subjects and Institutional Review Boards).
Furthermore, research conducted with human subjects must be performed in accordance with the accepted ethical principles established by professional organizations or societies that are applicable to the area of investigation. The actions of Pepperdine University will also conform to all other applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Pepperdine University has assured the Office of Human Research Protections (OHRP) of the DHHS that all human subjects research will be conducted in accordance with 45 CFR 46 and has been issued Federal Wide Assurance by the OHRP.
Please Note: Prior to initiating any research project that seeks to obtain data from human participants, the investigator must obtain written approval from the appropriate Pepperdine IRB.
IRB Consult Service
The GPS IRB team offers a consultation service to support you each step of the way. Please email us at with the subject line “Consultation Request” to set up an appointment.
Six Steps to Completing an IRB Application
Frequently Asked Questions
Find answers to frequently asked questions about Pepperdine IRB processes, forms, guidelines, and more.
Pepperdine University IRB Administrative Personnel
Dr. Jay Brewster | Provost | 310.506.4261 |
Dr. Lila McDowell Carlsen | Vice Provost Authorized Institutional Official Signatory Official |
310.506.4310 |
Mrs. Katy Carr | Associate Provost Human Protections Administrator |
310.506.6084 |
Dr. Lee Kats | Dean, Seaver College Research Integrity Officer |
310.506.4280 |
Mr. Greyson Orellana | Pepperdine Interim HIPAA Privacy Official Chair | 310.506.4190 |
Dr. Judy Ho | Chairperson, GPS IRB | 310.568.5604 |
Dr. Susan Helm | Chairperson, Seaver College IRB | 310.506.4325 |
Ms. Andrea Quintero | IRB Manager | 310.568.2305 |
eProtocol Step-By-Step