External Funding and Grant Writing Assistance
The Office of Research, Grants, and Foundation Relations assist faculty and staff members interested in applying for external funding. To begin the process of identifying and applying for external funding, complete the Intent to Apply for External Funding form and send it to rgfrinfo@pepperdine.edu.
Research, Grants, and Foundation Relations
The Office of Research, Grants, and Foundation Relations (RGFR) assists faculty and staff in the pursuit of public external funding, as well as external funding from foundations, corporations, and other private entities. RGFR staff work with potential project directors on every step of the process including program/project development, identifying opportunities, correspondence with agencies, proposal writing and editing, budget preparation, review and routing for signatures, submission, and post-award compliance. RGFR also provides institutional information such as Pepperdine's federally negotiated fringe benefits rate and indirect costs rate. RGFR is located in TAC 336. The associate provost's office is TAC 322B. For contact information and more details pertaining to applying for and receiving public external funding, visit their website.