Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee: Step 3
Step 3 - Complete Training
Required Courses
You and your students should complete the “Working with the IACUC” course through CITI (the program to which Pepperdine subscribes for web-based training on research topics) with a passing score of 80% on the required quizzes in the course. If your research involves mice and/or rats complete the “Reducing Pain and Distress in Laboratory Mice and Rats” course as well.
Print your certificate of completion and collect certificates for students. Provide these documents to the IACUC chairperson, Dr. Leah Stiemsma.
Access/Instructions for CITI courses
- Click on "New Users Register Here" by visiting the CITI website.
- Select "Pepperdine University" and submit a username and password.
- Successfully complete the required training.
- Print a certificate of completion and provide a copy to your faculty mentor.
For technical assistance, contact For additional information on the program, contact the Assistant Provost for Research at (310)-506-6084.