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Apply For NCFDD's Faculty Success Program

All tenure-track and tenured Seaver College faculty are invited to apply for funding from Seaver College to participate in NCFDD's Faculty Success Program (FSP) for next fall. This program, which will run August 27 to November 18, 2023, supports faculty in increased writing productivity and better work-life balance. It involves individual coaching, weekly training, accountability calls, a supportive community, and time tracking.

The program is intensive, and all activities occur via phone and online, but in real time with a specific community of faculty peers from other institutions. If you would like to apply please submit a brief rationale (about a paragraph) to by Thursday, June 8 (previous deadline has been extended). We are able to fund up to two faculty members. Decisions will be made in mid-June. For questions, contact associate dean Kindy De Long.