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Faculty Awards Funding

Policies and Procedures

Below you will find policies, forms, and best practices in using award funds.  All faculty members are subject to University Financial Policies.

Purpose Information Form
To request the use of award funds

Available awards include: Julian Virtue, Denney Academic Chair, and the Rothschild Applied Research Fellow

Faculty Awards Funding Request

To reimburse any out-of-pocket expenses (meals, transportation, lodging, etc.) and mileage

Expense Reimbursement Policies

Expense Reimbursement Form (2023)

Expense Reimbursement Form (2024)

PGBS Per Diem Reimbursement Form

Request to Use Award Funds

When requesting award funds, please follow the steps below:

  • Complete the faculty award funding request form.
  • The award form will be automatically routed for approval to the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.
  • You will receive a notification via email if your request was approved or denied.
  • If approved, you may begin making travel arrangements or making purchases.
  • See reimbursement guidelines.

Award Fund Available


Purpose:To support tenured faculty doing research in alignment with the mission of Pepperdine University and the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School.

Duration: Two years.

Level of Funding/Support: This endowment, which is restricted to support tenured faculty only. The faculty recipient will have an additional 4 units of release time, be given an annual $5,000 stipend and have available an annual $20,000 research fund. Only tenured faculty members are eligible for the Denney Academic Chair, per the terms of the endowment agreement. Awards will be made by the Dean, upon recommendation of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, the Director of the Center for Applied Research, and the Department Chairs.

Stipulations: Faculty who are awarded this endowment will continue to receive their annual development funds. However, they will not be eligible to apply for other internal research awards. Recipients will be expected to report the results of their research to the faculty in a future Pitch and Poster session or similar venue. Unused funds may not be carried over after the end of the term of the award.

Restrictions: Award recipients are not eligible for overload teaching or administrative assignments.

Application Period: The call for applications with all applicable deadlines and requirements will be emailed to all full-time faculty during the Summer term.

Current recipient: Nelson Granados (2021-2023)

Julian Virtue Professorship 

Purpose: To support tenured and tenure-track faculty to conduct research that is in alignment with the missions of Pepperdine University and the Pepperdine Graziadio Business School.

Duration: Two years.

Level of Funding/Support: This endowment will fund up to two tenured or tenure-track faculty members for the two-year period spanning academic years. Each faculty recipient will be awarded 4 units of release time for each year, along with an annual research budget of $5,000. Unused funds may not be carried over after the end of the term of the award.

Dean's Stipulations: All tenure and tenure-track faculty members are eligible for the Julian Virtue Professorship. Awards will be made by the Dean, upon recommendation of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Director of the Center for Applied Research, and the Department Chairs. Faculty who are awarded this endowment will continue to receive their annual development funds. In addition, they may apply for the Funds for Excellence; however, their applications will receive secondary priority. Recipients are eligible to receive SA release time. Recipients will be expected to report the results of their research to their faculty colleagues at a future Pitch and Poster session or similar venue, and prepare a final report. Unused funds may not be carried over after the end of the term of the award.

Restrictions: Award recipients are not eligible for overload teaching or administrative assignments.

Application Period: The next call for applications with all applicable deadlines and requirements will be emailed to all full-time faculty in the Summer term.

Julian Virtue, Denney, and Rothschild Award Recipients


If you have financial questions, please contact: