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Student Support Resources


Darren Good


The Pepperdine Graziadio Business School offers a wide range of services to help students enhance their academic, writing, and communication skills and excel in the classroom.  In addition to those services, there are resources available to faculty to assist with concerns regarding student behavior.

Student Intervention Resources

*Please share student concerns with Bernice Ledbetter and your Department Chair. 
Student Care Team (SCT)

Purpose:   University-wide assistance to students needing counseling, including outreach and prevention, in addition to alcohol and drug consultation, academic support, food and housing relief, or emergency relief. Students can contact SCT directly, or faculty can refer students. If you are a faculty member referring a student and you would like your concern to be kept anonymous, please note this in your communication.

Contact information:

Title IX Office

Purpose:  Sexual Misconduct Response and Prevention.

Contact information: Website | 310.506.6321|

Additional resources:

  • The Pepperdine Counseling Center - 310-506-4210 (Available 24/7)
  • The Pepperdine Health Center - 310-506-4316
  • Sojourn Services (domestic and dating violence) - 310-264-6644
  • Title IX resident director can be reached after hours by calling Public Safety at 310-506-4441 (emergency line) or (310) 506-4442 (non-emergency line)
  • Santa Monica Rape Treatment Center's (SMRTC) 24-hour hotline: (424) 259-7208. When contacting SMRTC, please let them know if you are in need of transportation to and from the center, as free options are available. SMRTC also provides medical care (exams, crisis intervention, clinical resource, advocacy)
  • Helpful policy links: Sexual Misconduct Policy | Retaliation Policy
Resource Purpose
Early Alert Form

Purpose:  Faculty members can submit the PGBS Early Alert Form to alert the Program Office to any student(s) who is exhibiting signs of major difficulty in your class and may need extra support. Some indications may include:

  • Behavior that is inconsistent with the student's typical performance (e.g., disengagement, suddenly missing multiple assignments/class sessions)
  • Low academic achievement (i.e., unlikely to pass the class)
  • Has revealed information (directly or indirectly) about a personal hardship or crisis
  • Unusual or unexpected classroom behavior that may be interfering with the learning environment

If the concern is urgent in nature and requires an emergency response, please do not use this form. Instead, call 911 or Pepperdine Public Safety (310-506-4441 if in Malibu).  The PGBS Early Alert Form is routed to the Programs Office. The report is not copied to the student being referred.

Office of Student Accessibility (OSA)

Purpose: Accommodating is the process of making adaptations or changes to a structure so that barriers are removed for students with various access needs. OSA at Pepperdine is dedicated to maintaining an environment that guarantees students with disabilities full access to its educational programs, activities, and facilities. Accommodations are designed to level the playing field for students with disabilities, while maintaining the integrity and standards of the University's academic programs. 

Public Safety 

Purpose:  For any scenario where you or a student have concerns or feel unsafe. 

  • Contact information:  Website
  • Emergencies: Dial 911, then call Public Safety at 310.506.4441 if safe to do so
  • Non-emergencies: 310.506.4442

Additional resources:

  • You can also connect to 911 and the Public Safety Department using the LiveSafe App available at the Apple App Store & Google Play.  Using the LiveSafe App allows Public Safety to locate you during an emergency accurately.
  • Emergency Updates: Emergency Blog | Toll-Free Emergency Hotline: 888.286.5659 | The recorded message is updated regularly during critical campus-wide emergencies
  • Road Conditions: 310.506.ROAD (7623)
  • To anonymously report information to the Department of Public Safety, please call the Anonymous Wave Tip Line at 310.506.7634

Student Academic Resources

LinkedIn Learning The LinkedIn Online Training Library at Pepperdine University is a professional resource available to all current faculty, staff, and students. It offers more than 13,000 online courses on a wide variety of professional skills, creative skills, and computer software.
Grammarly All PGBS students are provided with a free, premium Grammarly subscription during their first term as a student. Grammarly is an online grammar and spelling checker that improves written communication by helping users find and correct writing mistakes. It also functions as a plagiarism checker, helps students to identify their tone when writing, and much more. Students will receive an email with a link to activate their free account during approximately the third or fourth week of their first term (after the add-drop period). More information about Grammarly may be found on the Student Success website.
Tech Support Tech support is available through Tech Central 310-506-HELP (4357) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. IT is also providing live, online group training on Zoom and Courses (Sakai). Take a look at the training schedule.
Pepperdine Libraries Pepperdine Libraries offer an array of services at our campus locations and online through extensive electronic resources and databases.  Online support is available through the Pepperdine Libraries website, including access to databases and e-journals, interlibrary loan, Harvard Business Review articles, research guides, and synchronous research support with a Librarian.  For more information and additional services, please visit the Pepperdine Libraries website.
Resource Purpose
Wyzant Online Tutoring

Faculty and staff can submit the PGBS Early Alert Form to refer students to receive free online academic writing or content tutoring in subjects such as finance, economics, accounting, statistics, and more. Wyzant tutors are experienced tutors who have been pre-screened to have the appropriate academic/professional credentials.

After a student is referred to Wzyant, faculty may request to review notes or recordings of individual tutoring sessions as deemed necessary for academic integrity purposes. To submit a request, please follow these instructions:

  • Email Student Engagement and Success (SES) at with the student's name, ID, and course number
  • SES will provide the faculty member with a report of the student's tutoring sessions and the tutor's summary notes
  • Should the faculty member wish to review a recording of one or more tutoring sessions listed on the report, they should reply to SES within 30 days of the session date stating which session(s) they wish to review. Please note, that session recordings expire after 30 days
  • SES will work with Wyzant to obtain the recording(s) (if available) and provide them to the faculty member
  • If a recording is not available and the faculty member wishes to contact a tutor directly, the faculty member may either a) work directly with the student to set up a meeting with their tutor, or b) work with SES to facilitate contact with a tutor through Wyzant. Please note that tutors are independent contractors and therefore, contact with a tutor is not guaranteed
Exam Proctoring

Malibu Campus
For Malibu campus proctoring options and processes, contact Stan Woo

Calabasas Campus
For Calabasas campus proctoring options and processes, contact Crystal Cabral

Irvine Campus
For Irvine campus proctoring options and processes, contact Elvia Perez

West Los Angeles
For West Los Angeles campus proctoring options and processes, contact Gary Greer

Academic Support Student Success:
Explore the many additional writing, communication, and academic resources available to students on the Student Success section of the website. This includes writing citation guides, plagiarism avoidance information, presentation templates and technology tutorials, quantitative and excel support, English as a Second Language (ESL) Resources, and much more.