This page contains both on and off campus resources that students can access when experiencing housing or food insecurity. For more information or any questions, please contact the Student Care Team by email.
On-Campus Resources
Waves Cabinet
Waves Cabinet is supplemental nutrition resource where Pepperdine students can access non-perishable foods such as; canned fruits, canned vegetables, grains, snacks and shelf stable milk. Two locations also have refrigerators with perishable goods available.
Waves Cabinets Locations:
Tyler Campus Center (TCC), 282
On the second floor of the TCC, go past the TCC 210 suite to the TCC 270 suite, where you will find the Waves Food Cabinet in room 282.
Student Assistance Center (SAC)
Enter from the Housing and Residence Life side of the building. Go up the stairs from Presidents Drive to the SAC entrance.
The Waves Food Cabinet is inside against the wall.
School of Public Policy (SPP), Bldg. 54
Located up the hill on Drescher Graduate Campus. Go through the SPP main entrance and the Waves Food Cabinet is near the front desk to your left.
Refrigerator also, perishable goods.
Howard A. White Center (HAWC), 130
ICA Student Lounge
Department of Public Safety, CCB
Lobby, accessible 24/7
Refergerator only, perishable goods.
Caruso School of Law
Duane and Lucile Faw Student Lounge, located inside DiLerto Dining Room (Caruso Law School Cafe)
Off-Campus Resources
General Resources
A free service that connects individuals to social services and referrals through
a comprehensive resource database.
Food Programs and Support
CalFresh, known federally as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP, provides monthly food
benefits to individuals and families with low-income and provides economic benefits to communities.
Students are also eligible if they have part-time employment.
Feeding America
Food bank search engine for banks throughout the state of California.
HUD Food Pantry Locator
WIC: Women, Infants, Children
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) provides federal grants to states for supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition education for low-income pregnant, breastfeeding, and non-breastfeeding postpartum women, and to infants and children up to age five who are found to be at nutritional risk.
Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Shelter Finder
Mercy Housing - Affordable Housing Search