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Filming Fees and Contact Information

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 Still Photo Shoot Location Fee

Arrival no earlier than 7 a.m., and departure no later than 10 p.m., and fees include University Parking.
a) For up to 6 hours (= half day): $3,000 in interior OR exterior campus location
b) For up to 12 hours (= full day): $6,000 in interior OR exterior campus location
(Note: These Still Photo shoot fees are based on a small total crew/talent size of approx. 25 or less. Fee will increase with larger crew/talent numbers.)

 Commercial Filming location fee

Arrival no earlier than 7 a.m., and departure no later than 10 p.m.
a) For up to 6 hours (= half day): $6,000 
b) For up to 12 hours (= full day): $8,000 
(Note: These Filming fees are based on a total crew/talent size of 30 or less.)

 Security Deposit (Refundable)

$1,000 for Still Photo Shoots; and $2,000 for Commercial Filming
(Note: The University will deposit this check; refund amount depends on any extra fees incurred during Filming.)


$75/hour site rep overtime fee after first 8 hours
$500/hour location overtime fee after 10 hours (photo shoot) and 12 hours (filming)

 Prep or Strike Days

8-hours maximum, 15 or fewer crew
A fee equal to ½ of your location fee will be charged per day.

 Further Considerations

Filming fee pricing is subject to change.

This standard pricing tier applies to low impact events. Location fees may adjust for holidays and events significantly impacting the University campus.
We do not offer an hourly fee. Refer to pricing tiers, above.
ALL must meet the University's "Guidelines for Filming" (see top left margin).

Pepperdine University is a non-profit educational institution and, as such, filming fee discounts are not available. This applies to all requesters including outside film students and University alumni who must follow the same requirements as other filmmakers.

Factors that may increase the location fee include: interior campus locations; multiple locations; production requests requiring additional University staff monitors such as University Department of Public Safety traffic control officers, facility monitor, electrical, custodial and/or landscaping staff, lifeguard at Alumni Park ponds (if minors on set), staff and location overtime. Hourly fees will be billed to production company accordingly.

If production is over 50 crew/talent or utilizing more than one location, additional University site reps may be required at a rate of $50/hour; overtime rates apply after 8 hours.

An hourly fee will be charged for any maintenance-related work. This includes items such as air conditioner, fountain or light turn-off or -on. These services must be requested at least 48 hours prior to the first day of production.

At the filming's conclusion or removal of activity, the University site rep and the client's authorized representative will walk the site making note of any damage and additional fees incurred, and security deposit refund status. Each site occupied by production company must be clean of debris, litter or any other evidence of the filming activity.

The Special Programs Coordinator will mail any final invoice within 30 days and any balance payments are due upon receipt of this final invoice.

 Additional Security Staffing

The University requires the client to pay for any University Public Safety officer staffing and additional sheriff, code enforcement, fire and other campus and county services for the purpose of protecting, assisting and regulating the proposed filming activity. Practical examples include: campus and Malibu Canyon road traffic control; main campus filming; large number or high-profile crew or talent staff.

Additional campus security staffing will be determined by the University. These officers are employees of Pepperdine University and will enforce all campus safety regulations with on-site supervision. Hourly staffing fees will be billed to production company accordingly at a rate of $50/hour (4-hour minimum for Campus Security officers). Depending on staffing availability, three shifts of officers may be assigned and minimums due on each shift for filming 12 hours or longer, or overtime rates apply after eight hours.

Pepperdine Officers are not responsible for ensuring the security/safety of any property or personnel belonging to the production.


Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate your vehicle list with on-campus (free) parking. The Special Programs Coordinator will work with your Transportation Captain and Location Manager on a campus parking plan. Applicable "Reserved/No Parking" signs will be provided and posted by campus security at least 48 hours in advance of film date.

Production company directional signage for parking and filming location may be attached or stapled to cones or stanchions it provides, but not attached to University trees, poles, campus signage, etc. These must be removed and disposed of appropriately by the production company or its designated agent immediately after a filming is completed.


  • If the client cancels at least two days (48 hours) or prior to arrival time/date, the security deposit will be charged.
  • If the client cancels within two days (48 hours) of arrival time/date, a fee equal to one-half of the Location Fee will be charged. In addition, the client is responsible for all facility "special use" fees, scheduled staff (4 hour minimum) or services.

Contact Information

Once a requester has read the three Filming, Guidelines and Fees web pages, the next required step is to complete and submit the Filming "Inquiry Form."

Once the Filming "Inquiry Form" is received by the University's Special Programs Coordinator, follow up will be made promptly via email or phone.

We recognize that you need timely attention to your location request and availability research will begin as soon as we have your information from the filming "Inquiry Form." The University's Special Programs staff looks forward to retaining its strong reputation among location managers for quick and thorough follow-up to each filming request when given the required advance days. (See "Guidelines for Filming," top left margin.)

For more information or to schedule a scout, contact the Office of Special Programs:
Phone (310)506-4264