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Guidelines should be strictly enforced to govern any department granting the use of University marks or other properties owned by the University to an outside entity. This would include the purchase of logoed merchandise for:

  • Resale
  • Internal Consumption
  • Promotional Use
  • Sponsorship
  • Marketing Use

Business Services is the logical coordinating body to assure that the University guidelines are met. Without cooperation on campus, the consistency of the licensing program the University already has in place is greatly diluted.

All departments that purchase logoed goods should do so through licensed vendors. If the merchandise is going to be resold, royalties should be paid. However, it is common practice to exempt royalties on products purchased for internal consumption. The manufacturer, if not a licensee, should sign a limited term, limited quantity, royalty free licensing agreement. Business Services should be made aware of all such purchases and should require approval prior to purchase.


Sponsorship and internal department promotions should also be run through Business Services to assure that University guidelines are met and that conflicting sponsorships and promotions are not authorized.

Sponsorship may be defined as corporate payment of fees to a department in exchange for certain rights, privileges, and associations which may include on campus signage, tickets, ads, or commercial exposure in programs, radio or television shows, or other departmental media vehicles including ticket backs. Once again, the University should develop guidelines to govern any department granting the use of University marks or other properties owned by the University to outside entities for commercial purposes.

Internal promotions

Internal promotions may include a company being allowed to give away a free product or coupons for products at departmental events: e.g.

  • McDonald's night at the basketball game
  • Cap night, where the first 500 people in attendance get a Pepperdine cap

It is common practice to exempt royalties on internal promotions. Products should be bought from licensees whenever possible. Business Services should be made aware of all such promotions. The manufacturer, if not a licensee, should sign a limited term, limited quantity, royalty free licensing agreement.

External Promotions

External promotions should be subject to licensing guidelines, and appropriate rights, fees, and royalties. If departmental sponsors desire to run a trade or consumer promotion, they must conform to established licensing guidelines. Royalties and rights fees are negotiable, and the amount of money paid to the University should be taken into consideration. If premiums are used in the promotion, (logoed articles used to enhance the sale of other goods or services) then they should either be purchased from licensees or standard promotional royalties (10%) should be paid. Sponsorship agreements should be written to assure that any premiums used in promotions are licensed.

In order to maximize the benefits of a successful licensing program, coordination is essential. All students, alumni, faculty, fans and supporters need to be made aware of the University's licensing program. Only by maximizing awareness, can a truly effective program be established. To maintain the integrity of the University marks, departments are encouraged to use the authorized Pepperdine licensees only. The list will be updated quarterly.