Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Webinars
Pepperdine's Christian heritage and Code of Ethics compel each of us to treat one another with dignity and respect. As such, Pepperdine requires both supervisory and nonsupervisory employees to complete Sexual Harassment Training every two years. This is one of many ways Pepperdine goes above and beyond the law because we believe it is the right thing to do, and to ensure all employees feel safe, are comfortable, and are well-equipped for the workplace.
In addition to offering the familiar self-paced online module, Human Resources is
pleased to offer two opportunities for employees to receive credit for their biennial
sexual harassment prevention training through a live Zoom session with employment
law expert, Glen Kraemer. Attending one of these two-hour sessions will meet your
training requirement, and you will not need to complete the self-paced online module.
A separate email with instructions on how to complete the self-paced online module
has been sent to you.

Glen Kraemer, a founding and managing partner of the employment and higher education law firm of Hirschfeld Kraemer LLP, is nationally recognized for his passionate delivery of “best practices” training programs, and for 19 years served as the keynote speaker on equal employment opportunity laws for the Professionals in Human Resources Association Annual Legal Update Conference. Glen has received “Top Speaker” designation for his workplace violence and internal investigations presentations at every SHRM Conference from 2009-2019.