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2023 Technology Survey

Make your opinions count

People adding survey ballots to a digital ballot box with a Pepperdine IT logo on it.

The Pepperdine IT department will release its 14th Annual Technology Survey from March 13 - April 3 to a randomly-selected campus population that includes students, faculty, and staff across the University.  Listening to user feedback and translating it to practical applications is an important step in IT's annual strategic planning process, in addition to aligning with institutional goals.  The survey assesses IT service quality by seeking user feedback in areas such as technology and collaboration services, support and training, as well as specific areas like teaching with technology, and safeguarding personal information.

IT uses this survey data to determine and prioritize its initiatives for the next academic year.  The Google Suite (e.g. Gmail) rollout across the University in 2016 is an example; many students, faculty, and staff had expressed great interest in having a suite of applications that is easy to use and which fosters collaboration anytime, anywhere.

Classroom AV and Wireless Network are two other examples.  In recent years, our survey results have demonstrated a need for up-to-date technologies in classrooms and a stable wireless network throughout campus.  As a result, IT worked on securing and allocating resources to improve these areas.

Taking the Technology Survey is easy and only takes a few minutes.  As a respondent, you can conveniently start the survey at any time between March 13 and April 3. This is a genuine opportunity to affect change for a better Pepperdine experience for everyone. Your feedback counts. Thank you for participating.