Rank, Tenure & Promotion
GSEP's Rank, Tenure, and Promotion (RTP) Committee ensures faculty involvement in matters related to faculty rank, step, promotion, and the policies and procedures of the School's Rank, Tenure, and Promotion Manual and the Tenure Policy of the University. The Committee's primary responsibility is to review and make recommendations to the Dean regarding candidates for promotion and tenure. Other duties include notifying faculty of eligibility for advancement, promotion, tenure, and review; making recommendations to administration regarding the initial placements of new faculty; conducting five-year reviews; and making recommendations regarding the updating and revision of the Rank, Tenure, and Promotion Manual as needed. The members of the RTP Committee are elected by the faculty.
The procedures and policies set forth herein are designed to ensure that all faculty are treated fairly in matters dealing with faculty rank, tenure, and promotion. It is understood that all policies and procedures must be in harmony with the University Tenure Policy adopted by the Board of Regents in September 1981 and revised in September 1984, December 1986, June, 1993, and December, 2006. (see Appendix A, page 31).