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In Case You Missed It... Taking Ownership of Your Health and Wellness Workshop

In case you missed it, on August 30, 2023, Brittni Paris led a workshop on how Pepperdine employees can take ownership of their health and wellness, craft personal wellness visions, and understand how the stages of change process impacts health goals. Below you'll find resources from the workshop as well as additional resources at Pepperdine to utilize.

Brittni Paris’ Resources to Prioritize Your Health and Wellness:

Below, you will find additional resources and ideas to continue prioritizing your health and wellness as the academic year progresses. Please look out for additional opportunities in emails from Human Resources.

Resources at Pepperdine to Prioritize Your Health and Wellness:

Pepperdine’s Employee Engagement team is also available for consultation on additional resources, activities, and ideas for further influencing your team culture.