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Flash Reports

View themes identified in Advancement of Student Learning Council's program review reports from each year.



ASLC Program Review Themes


Programs Reviewed

15 Total

  • Academic Programs
    • 6 Humanities
    • 6 Communications
    • 1 GSEP Psychology Division
  • Non-Academic Programs
    • 2 Student Affairs

Noted Themes

  • Highly engaged, committed, and accomplished faculty
  • Significant curriculum changes informed by review data, resulting in improved student learning experiences for students
  • Programs successfully meeting PLOs



Areas for Growth

  • Improve compliance to program review submission timeline
  • Increase co-curricular experiences offered, particularly for undergraduate students
  • Modernize technology/equipment to elevate student learning, workforce preparation, and peer institution comparability

Action Items

  • Evaluate trends to identify sources of declining enrollment across programs and propose solutions to address concerns.




Advancement of Student Learning Council (ASLC)

  • LaTonya Wood, ASLC Chair, Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP)
  • Jacqueline Dillion, Seaver College
  • Katie Dodds, Caruso School of Law
  • Brad Dudley, Student Affairs
  • Seta Khajarian, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Clemens Kownatzki, Graziadio Business School
  • Lila McDowell Carlsen, Office of the Vice Provost
  • Kim Miller, Online Programs
  • Jim Prieger, School of Public Policy
  • Mark Roosa, Pepperdine Libraries



ASLC Program Review Themes


Programs Reviewed

14 Total

  • 2 Graduate School of Education and Psychology
  • 5 International Studies and Languages
  • 7 Natural Sciences



Noted Themes

  • Strong faculty committment to positively impact student experiences
  • Data-driven curriculum changes
  • National recognition by external accrediting entities regarding program standards



Areas for Growth

  • Increase collaboration across programs to capture and maximize resources and encourage other high-quality practices
  • Increase outreach to alumni
  • Strengthen attention to faculty and staff professional development



Action Items

  • Increase opportunities for faculty to demonstrate their expertise and accomplishments through service or scholarship
  • Support increased coordination and collaboration across academic programs
  • Develop cocurricular learning opportunities through service programs to build community partnerships

Advancement of Student Learning Council (ASLC)

  • LaTonya Wood, ASLC Chair, Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP)
  • Katie Dodds, Caruso School of Law
  • Brad Dudley, Student Affairs
  • Charla Griffy-Brown, Graziadio Business School
  • Lee Kats, Vice Provost
  • Seta Khajarian, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Kim Miller, Online Programs
  • Mark Roosa, Dean of Libraries
  • Michael Shires, School of Public Policy
  • Heather Thomson-Bunn, Seaver College



ASLC Program Review Themes


Programs Reviewed

18 Total

  • 1 Caruso School of Law
  • 16 Graziadio Business School
  • 1 Student Affairs




Noted Themes

  • Increase in quality of program reviews from previous years
  • Emerging emphasis on diversity, equity, and inclusion in some programs
  • Demonstrated responsiveness to student suggestions for program changes

All 18 program reviews met the standard and were accepted with no revisions


Areas for Growth

  • Strengthen co-curricular offerings in many programs
  • Clarify how budgets align with program recruitment and sustainability
  • Attract greater diversity in students and faculty for many programs
  • Establish data priorities to streamline data collection and usage
  • Revisit and strengthen PLOs using higher level verbs

Action Items

  • Consistency: Ensure consistency in using the new program review format and annual reports
  • Modality: Address how online program PLOs might be redefined/refined to reflect modality similarities and differences





Advancement of Student Learning Council (ASLC)

  • Katie Dodds, Caruso School of Law (Co-Chair)
  • Brad Dudley, Student Affairs (Co-Chair)
  • Jacqueline Dillion, Seaver College
  • Charla Griffy-Brown, Graziadio Business School
  • Lee Kats, Vice Provost, Ex officio
  • Seta Khajarian, Associate Provost, Office of Institutional Effectiveness
  • Kim Miller, Online Programs
  • Jim Prieger, School of Public Policy
  • Heather Thomson-Bunn, Seaver College
  • Jeremy Whitt, Payson Library
  • LaTonya Wood, Graduate School of Education and Psychology (GSEP)