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University Academic Council

About Us

The University Academic Council (UAC) is the chief policy-making body for academic procedures, policies, and requirements in the schools. It reviews proposals submitted by the academic council of a particular school for changes or additions to the curriculum, graduation requirements, and general academic policies.

UAC deals with the creation of new courses or deletion of old courses from the catalog, changes in general education requirements, creation of new majors or minors, and changes in requirements for a particular major or minor. It is principally responsible for addressing and recommending academic programs and policies to the president.

The associate provost, who is a nonvoting member except in the event of a tie, chairs this committee. Voting members are the deans (or dean representatives) of each of the six schools, one elected faculty representative from each school, the director of libraries, the dean of international programs, and the registrar.



Council Membership

  • Lila Carlsen, Interim Vice Provost (Chair)
  • Seaver: Paul Begin, Tuan Hoang
  • Graziadio: Clemens Kownatzki, John Mooney
  • GSEP: Anthony Collatos, Kristen Nicole Dial
  • CSOL: Jeff Baker, Jason Jarvis
  • SPP: Dayea Oh (fall semester), Luisa Blanco Raynal (spring semester)
  • CHS: Leah Fullman
  • Kristy Collins, Associate Provost of University Financial Assistance and Dean of Enrollment Management
  • Sara Turki, University Registrar
  • Brooke Mitchell, Director of Admission and International Student Services
  • Mark Roosa, Dean of Libraries
  • Ron Cox, Dean of International Programs
  • Seta Khajarian, Associate Provost for Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment
  • Randi Redman, Assistant Registrar, Academic Records, Office of the Registrar
  • Dave Smith, Senior Associate Provost IT, Online Learning and International Program Facilities
  • Gabriella Yu, Senior Financial Analyst, Office of the Chief Financial Officer