Meditation Workshop
Join Cecily Breeding for a meditation workshop on July 21, 2022 at 1PM. After learning firsthand the impact of yoga and meditation on her day-to-day wellbeing and holistic health, Cecily started teaching these tools to others through Pepperdine's fitness program and other studios in the Malibu area. This workshop will be part education, part meditation practice, and packed with tools that will help you develop a habit of mindfulness throughout your day.
When: July 21 2022 | 1 - 1:30 PM
Where: Online Webinar
Speaker: Cecily Breeding

Cecily Breeding is a double Pepperdine alum who loves finding ways to apply the tools of meditation and contemplation to daily life. Whether it is in the yoga studio and gym or in running her own business and coaching other business owners, Cecily has experienced the benefits of mindfulness time and again. Outside of this webinar, you might run into Cecily in her work as a photographer in Los Angeles, or in the classroom with her first-year seminar students at Seaver, or in the fitness studio at Pepperdine teaching yoga classes during the academic year.