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Pepperdine | Community

Faculty Systems


Alumni Panel


A centralized hub for faculty to access essential teaching, research, and administrative systems. 
Explore the resources below to enhance your productivity and engagement within the university community.


System Purpose Credentials Notes
Pepperdine Canvas The Learning Management System for our Online
Programs. All student interactions, course content, and
support resources are available here.
NTID & unique password For support, contact
Courses (Sakai) The Learning Management System for all student
interactions, course content, and support resources
SSO (NTID / Pepp password) Courses Documentation and Support for Faculty
Course Evaluations Student course evaluations SSO (NTID / Pepp password) How-to Guides


System Purpose Credentials Notes
Research Databases Available PGBS Faculty Databases  Various Access to data hosted by WRDS and the Pepperdine
instats Instats is a platform built for researchers
by researchers

Instats is a mission-driven organization devoted to
improving research practices across the globe.
Instats does this by facilitating expert-led training
for PhD and post-PhD researchers across a broad range
of fields, methods, and theoretical orientations through
the Instats platform.


System Purpose Credentials Notes
Gmail Access to Google Suite (email, calendar, drive, chat) password G Suite at Pepperdine
Interfolio Interfolio is an online portfolio and application system. Interfolio has three modules: Faculty Search, Faculty RTP, and Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR)/Faculty 180. SSO (NTID / Pepp password) Interfolio resource guide
Kronos To enter your timecard information for compensation.  For non-exempt Adjuncts ONLY:  To enter your timecard information for compensation SSO (NTID / Pepp password) Kronos User Guide  Non-exempt Adjuncts ONLY: To enter your timecard
information for compensation
Qualtrics Survey platform SSO (NTID / Pepp password) Available to all Pepperdine faculty, staff, and students
Wavenet  Access to HR, benefits, course schedule (via Faculty Center), class roster, grading SSO (NTID / Pepp password) Faculty WaveNet Guides
Zoom For online classes and video meetings with students & colleagues SSO (NTID / Pepp password)

Pepperdine Zoom: Used for meetings with NON-students.

Courses (Sakai and Pepperdine Canvas) Zoom: Used for class sessions
and student meetings for on-campus/hybrid/online programs.



SSO= Single Sign-On at
NTID= 8 digit ID usually a combination of your first and middle initials and last name and possibly a number e.g., mwillia2