A Bible Study with Beth Moore
Human Resources and the Office of the Chaplain invite members of the Pepperdine community to participate in a book study and discussion with author and speaker, Beth Moore.
Preventative Care: Heart Health
As February is American Heart Health month, we'd like to highlight the importance of checking in on your own heart and what steps can be taken to do so. We encourage you to review the two major different types of heart screenings, general and non-invasive, and to consider scheduling an appointment with your healthcare provider.
Elevating Trust and Safety In Our Relationships
In this webinar, participants will learn the three main elements of trust in relationships and how to boost feelings of safety.
Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time
A learning workshop designed to guide you to identify which areas of your life need to be more closely examined, and where to implement changes to improve your overall energy levels.
February Wellness: Heart Health
Human Resources' Thrive Wellness Program is pleased to celebrate American Heart Health Month by providing you with tailored resources to aid in heart health education.
Navigating Personal Finances through COVID-19
This series, led by Laura Ponder and Ronee Dakin, will offer guidance on how to prepare for different stages of your financial life and how to create a successful strategy that works for you.
Own Your Success: A Guide to Beginning Your Retirement Savings
Join us for a presentation that will explain and highlight all the features of your workplace retirement plan so you can make the most of this valuable benefit.
Change Ahead! Making and Sustaining Changes in 2021
This webinar will offer insights into the "science of change" and strategies to assist you on your change journey. Join us on Tuesday, February 2, 2021, 11 AM-12 PM.
Practical Steps to Prevent Coronary Artery Disease
Dr. Happy Thakkar from UCLA Health will discuss helpful steps to optimize cardiovascular health and prevent coronary artery disease.
2021 Wellness Offerings
Get a look at 2021's new and updated community wellness opportunities offered by Pepperdine Human Resources.