Fall 2021 Spiritual Practices
The Hub for Spiritual Life will be offering two spiritual practice sessions to the Pepperdine community. John Peterson, Associate Director of Pepperdine's Center for Faith and Learning, and Associate Professor of English for Seaver College, and Zac Luben, Associate Chaplain for the Hub for Spiritual Life, will lead us through two workshops designed to better cultivate a sense of spirituality in our lives and where we stand with God today.
Spiritual Practice I: Visio Divina
Where do you find yourself in this season of your spiritual life? Come join us as we explore this question through the practice of Visio Divina. Visio Divina is a Christian contemplative practice in which we prayerfully invite God to speak to our hearts as we look at an image. Bring an object to share with the group that represents this season of your spiritual life. Please also print out and bring the attached "Lifeline" document.
When: Thursday, November 18 | 11 AM
Where: Zoom Session
Who: John Peterson, Associate Director of Pepperdine's Center for Faith and Learning, and Associate Professor of English for Seaver College
Spiritual Practice II: Examen
Throughout the centuries Christians have practiced Examen as a way to notice where God is present in our lives. Too often we narrow our expectations for God's presence and miss the presence of God in everyday moments. Join us as we learn about and practice Examen as a way to see God's gracious love in our lives.
When: Tuesday, November 23 | 12 PM
Where: Zoom Session
Who: Zac Luben, Associate Chaplain, Hub for Spiritual Life

John Peterson, Associate Director of Pepperdine's Center for Faith and Learning, and Associate Professor of English for Seaver College earned his BA from the University of Arizona in English, his MA from Claremont Graduate University in Literature and Creative Writing, along with his Ph.D. in English from Claremont Graduate University. He has done extensive research in this field and has achieved the Brett J. Love Award for Teaching Excellence from Pepperdine University in 2009, along with the Claremont University Fellowship, 2001-2002.

Zac Luben, Associate Chaplain for Partners, graduated twice from Pepperdine, most recently with his Master of Divinity in 2014. For the past 13 years, he worked in local churches serving as a youth and family minister. Luben also serves as an adjunct professor in the Religion Division and helps direct CrossWays out of Church Relations.