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Getting Reimbursed

All employee reimbursements must adhere to the University's Finance Policy Section 4.1 - Travel and Entertainment Policy. Refer to Mileage Rates for current mileage reimbursement rate.

Student Reimbursements $300 or less

Student Reimbursement requests are submitted in person to Cashier's Office on a Petty Cash Reimbursement Form.

Student Reimbursements over $300

Student Reimbursement requests are submitted online through PeopleSoft. Refer to Accounts Payable webpages.

Employee Reimbursements in PeopleSoft Travel & Expense Center

Employee Reimbursement requests are made with Expense Reports through the Travel and Expense Center in PeopleSoft Financials. It is the responsibility of the employee who incurred the expense to collect and organize the appropriate original receipts, and submit them along with a PeopleSoft Expense Report in a timely manner. Refer to Accounts Payable webpages.

Petty Cash Reimbursement

Petty Cash Reimbursement Forms may be submitted, in person, to the Cashier's Office if the following criteria is met:

  1. $300 maximum for Student reimbursements.
  2. $100 maximum for Employee reimbursements.
  3. For small, non-recurring, out of pocket expense or mileage (less than three times per month).
  4. Expense must be within 120 days of original date of receipt, travel, entertainment or event.
  5. Approver signature from your department: a wet signature or eSign with approval audit history record is acceptable (may not be self-approved.
  6. Valid Chartfield string.
  7. Photo ID, preferably a Pepperdine ID, is required for payee or the authorized designated person to receive cash.
  8. Receipts are required with verification of the source of funds listed on the receipt (except for line items $35 or less).
  9. Employees may use certain web-based or app-based payment platforms for business purchases. Please see list of approved payment options, Substantiation Requirements for Alternative Payment Options and Reimbursement FAQs before making purchases.
  10. Substantiation and details required for all travel, entertainment, event or mileage expenses:
    • Travel expenses must be substantiated (i.e. What: parking, baggage, other ground transportation methods, etc.).
    • Entertainment expenses must be substantiated (i.e. What: meals, lunch, dinner, snacks, food, groceries, etc.).
    • Event expenses must be substantiated (i.e. What: conference fee, registration fee, etc.).
    • Mileage reimbursement must be substantiated (i.e. What: mileage) If multiple trips, include Mileage Log.
      Refer to Mileage Log for Employee Reimbursement form.
    • Mileage reimbursement between campuses: Refer to Mileage Rates for current mileage reimbursement rate.
    • Reimbursable mileage is only for mileage greater than normally driven between work location and principal residence (daily commute).

Petty Cash reimbursements may not be processed for any of the following:

  • Gifts/Prizes
  • Gift cards
  • Memberships/Subscriptions
  • Telephone/Cell Phone/Internet Services
  • Salaries
  • Services

Department Petty Cash Fund Reimbursements

If your area has been issued a Department Petty Cash Fund, you may be reimbursed by submitting a completed Petty Cash Reimbursement Form to the Cash Custodian in your department. In addition to the Petty Cash Reimbursement requirements, mileage reimbursement may not be processed through a Department Petty Cash Fund.