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Pepperdine | Community

Supervisor Resources (HR)

Pepperdine's Human Resources Department has developed a multitude of tools to help you manage effectively and positively. We've highlighted some of those tools here, but we recommend that you click this link to familiarize yourself with all the helpful tools and resources on HR's community site.

Hiring Managers

Human Resources has gathered various tools and resources to help supervisors manage the stages of the recruitment and onboarding processes. We have included some of these tools, but click the link above to review all of them.

10 Top Reminders for Supervisors

Pepperdine employees in a supervisory position should familiarize themselves with the following University guidelines, policies, and procedures within 30 days of their start date as a supervisor and should relay appropriate information to their department staff.

HR One-Day Onboarding for New Employees

All new regular employees should attend New Employee Orientation on the Malibu campus at 9:30 a.m. on the third Monday of the month. Please contact Human Resources to verify the next Orientation date. Temporary employees are invited, but not required, to attend the orientation. Click the link above to see what topics are covered at New Employee Orientation and what your new employee will need to bring with him/her.

Feedback and Performance Assessments

Part of the supervisory role is the opportunity and responsibility to provide feedback to employees. In addition to providing direction in regular meetings with staff, supervisors are called to maximize their employees' potential for the betterment of the University.