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University Analytics FAQs


The Office of Business Intelligence (BI) regularly receives the following questions with regard to University Analytics and/or our reporting methodology, such as how to better understand the data within University Analytics in order to replicate it via other reporting tools. BI aims to provide transparency into our data models to promote consistency and standardization across the institution.

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Where can I find the data I need?

This Data Request Workflow, created by the Office of Business Intelligence (BI) in collaboration with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) and other key reporting units, can help take the guesswork out of determining the source for common data needs, and steer you in the general direction for your data request. The workflow will ask a series of questions to guide you to available resources.

With regards to reporting offered by the Offices of Business Intelligence and Institutional Effectiveness, the resources below may be useful:

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What is University Analytics?

University Analytics (powered by Microsoft Power BI) is the primary reporting platform employed by the Office of Business Intelligence (BI), sourced with data from BI's enterprise data warehouse. It contains a variety of standard reports which are developed and maintained by BI in conjunction with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (OIE) and other functional areas. All data within these reports (and within the data warehouse) are vetted and approved via the Data Stewardship program and are in accordance with the University Data Dictionary.

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How often are data in University Analytics refreshed?

The Office of Business Intelligence (BI) enterprise data warehouse refreshes data from PeopleSoft according to the following schedule:

  • Weekdays: Monday through Friday at 1 a.m. with three years of data prior to and including the current term.
  • Weekends: Saturday and Sunday at 3 p.m. with the current term and all historical data.

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Who is eligible for access to University Analytics?

In accordance with University Analytics policy, data in University Analytics are not restricted by school or department. The University's data is a shared, institutional asset entrusted to those who are empowered with decision-making and strategic planning for their school or area, and/or those who directly support these roles. Requests for access should be limited accordingly.

Note that all security requests go to the Registrar and the Provost for approval.

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How do I better understand the data in my report?

Every report page in University Analytics contains a "Details & Definitions" button under the BI logo. Clicking on this button will open up a summary view of the report's description and all related data definitions. This is a critical resource for understanding data elements within each report. Clicking any of the hyperlinks in the summary view will take you directly to the University's online collaborative Data Dictionary, where you can access additional details, such as technical definitions, related terms, etc. All data definitions are thoroughly vetted by the Data Stewardship committees.

Details and Definitions button

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How do I know if my enrollment numbers are correct?

PeopleSoft is the system of record for student enrollment, and University Analytics uses PeopleSoft data for enrollment reporting. If you are looking for actual enrollment in a given term or academic year, your data must come from University Analytics or PeopleSoft. 

  • How are you defining "enrollment"?
    • Do you want all students who are eligible to enroll in a term? If so, you want matriculated students.
    • Do you want only those students who are actually enrolled? If yes...
      • Should this include students who were enrolled but may have withdrawn after the add/drop period? If so, you want officially enrolled students. 
      • Should this include only those students who remained enrolled in the term? If so, you want actively enrolled students.
    • Do you want only those students who are enrolled in your academic program(s), as opposed to students from your programs who may also be enrolled elsewhere? If so, you want program officially enrolled students (includes withdrawals), or program actively enrolled students (excludes withdrawals). NOTE: University Analytics uses program officially enrolled as the University standard.
    • For new students: Do you want all admitted students who are expected to enroll - i.e. paid a deposit and/or indicated intent to enroll? If so, you want prematriculants (deposited students).
  • Which academic programs should you consider?
    • Do you only want to include students in degree-seeking programs? If so, be sure to exclude any non-degree students. [NOTE: Some University Analytics reports exclude non-degree programs by default; be sure to check/adjust your report filters accordingly.]
    • Should dual-degree students be reported under both/all programs, or only one? For this, consider the student's program primacy.
    • Should students in multiple majors (within the same program) be reported under both/all majors, or only one? For this, consider the student's plan primacy.

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What admissions data are included in University Analytics?

Currently, all admissions data in University Analytics are from PeopleSoft. However, the Office of Business Intelligence (BI) is working to integrate Salesforce CRM Recruitment data into these reports as well (TBD).

Many of Pepperdine's schools collect applications in third-party systems. All actionable applications should be loaded into PeopleSoft; however, the timing of the schools' admissions processing has an impact on University Analytics admissions reports. BI recommends consulting with each school's admissions office to better understand the timing and reporting impacts.

  • Application, Denied, Withdrawn, and Canceled Counts
    Some schools/programs load applications into PeopleSoft on a rolling basis while others only load admitted applications at the time of decision (with non-admits loaded after the start of the admit term). In addition, some schools wait to withdraw applications for those who do not matriculate/attend until after the start of the admit term. Therefore, these particular counts for these schools may not be complete until the end of the admit term.
  • Prematriculant and Matriculated Counts
    Some schools prematriculate and/or matriculate their applicants on a rolling basis, while others do so in batch at a specific point prior to the admit term. The timing of such processes have an impact on these particular counts.

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Where/how can I view data related to modality and online learning?

The Office of Business Intelligence (BI) offers four primary methods for tracking and reporting on a student’s or program’s modality:

  • Program Modality | The primary mode of instructional delivery in which a major/field of study is offered, as designated by the University Academic Council (UAC) and/or academic catalog: on-ground, online, hybrid (on-ground), or hybrid (online).
  • Campus | A location or site where the University offers courses ("online" when lacking a physical location). Applicants indicate preferred campuses, and students enroll at campuses.
  • Instruction Mode | The method by which the class or course instruction is delivered: in-person, online, or hybrid.
  • Class Location | The primary physical or virtual location where a class is administered. A class can have meetings in multiple locations (see Class Meeting Location). 

It is important to consider these factors together. For example, you may have on-ground students (Program Modality) enrolling online (Campus), or vice versa.  A hybrid course (Instruction Mode) will offer both on-ground and online class meetings (Class Meeting Location) at different times throughout a term, while still having a primary location (Class Location).  Application of these methods depends on your specific reporting need and/or context.

The Enrollment, Enrollment Management, and Admissions report collections offer reporting by Program Modality. Enrollment reports additionally offer reporting by Campus. The Courses and Registration collection offers reporting by Instruction Mode, Class Location, and Class Meeting Location (or Room).

Please contact Online Learning or the Office of Business Intelligence for additional guidance. For information on accreditation and substantive changes, contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.

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How can I request a new report or changes to an existing report?

To request a new report, changes to an existing report, new data model, new data source, or other enhancement to University Analytics, submit a request via the Office of Business Intelligence (BI) online Project Request Form.

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