Student Response Tools
Faculty commonly pose questions to a whole class, seeking to engage students with course material and with each other. Student response tools add structure to this technique. The results support formative assessment, "just in time" teaching,peer instruction exercises, and more. In the past, student response systems required special hardware (clickers and receivers), but have mostly transitioned to web-based services and apps — which makes them easier to use and opens up asynchronous uses.
As much as you can, please use familiar tools provided and supported by the University or College — chiefly Courses, Google applications, Panopto, and Zoom.
Courses features multiple tools that can be used as student response systems.
- The Tests & Quizzes tool can gather student responses synchronously or asynchronously. Tests & Quizzes calculates various statistics as appropriate to the question type, including distribution of answers, though it doesn't optimize these for aesthetically pleasing presentation to an audience.
- The Polls tool only uses multiple-choice questions and presents only aggregate results, not individual student responses.
- For asynchronous responses to material presented in the Lessons tool, you can insert inline Questions directly into the page.
If Courses doesn't meet your needs, you may want to consider additional tools. Please avoid tools that would incur fees for students.
The CTE has not reviewed Acadly. iClicker is not recommended, because of its student fee pricing structure.
Video-Embedded Response Tools
While the tools previously described can be deployed synchronously or asynchronously, a few student response tools exist that really only make sense for asynchronous applications.