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Dispute Resolution

Students pursuing general management or dispute resolution concentration have the opportunity to enroll in courses within the dispute resolution discipline at the Straus Institute through a collaboration between the Graziadio School and the Caruso School of Law at Pepperdine. The courses are offered at the main Pepperdine campus in Malibu. In addition to the 12 unit elective requirement for the dispute resolution concentration, students may complete additional coursework leading to a formal Certificate in Dispute Resolution. Details about the concentration and certificate options are provided below. 

Please note the grade point average (GPA) from courses taken at the Straus Institute will not be applied towards your cumulative program GPA.

Dispute Resolution Concentration

Dispute Resolution Cross Registration Form

Dispute Resolution Concentration Application Form

All courses within the dispute resolution concentration with the exception of LEGL 684: Business Negotiation and the Resolution of Conflict are offered through the Straus Institute, Caruso School of Law at the Malibu campus location. MBA students who wish to pursue the dispute resolution or general management concentration need to complete this form to receive approval prior to enrolling in a course at the Straus Institute. It is recommended for students to discuss course options with your MBA program advisor and Sarah Park, Associate Director for the Straus Institute, who serves as the dispute resolution advisor. Upon completion of the form, submit it to your program advisor who will then route it to the Straus Institute for review. If approved, the Caruso School of Law Records Office will enroll you in the courses at the Straus Institute.  Students will need to complete this form for each trimester of course enrollment at the Straus Institute. The Straus Institute is on the semester schedule and not the trimester schedule, so it is important to submit this form as early as possible to ensure a space in the course. Please visit the Caruso School of Law, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution for more information about the concentration elective courses.

Dispute Resolution Certificate

Dispute Resolution Certification Application

MBA students who pursue the dispute resolution concentration are eligible to earn a Certificate in Dispute Resolution by completing 2 units in addition to the 12 units for the concentration (14 units total) upon admittance into the certificate program. The application is completed prior to pursuing the certificate and submitted to Sarah Park, Associate Director for the Straus Institute. Please note the 2 additional units required to complete the Certificate will be billed at the Caruso School of Law per unit tuition rate. 

Additional Information

Please contact Sarah Park or visit the Caruso School of Law, Straus Institute for Dispute Resolution website for more information about the Dispute Resolution concentration and certificate.


Phone: 310.506.4655