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IP Bound Blog

Students pulling suitcases in Buenos Aires

How to Pack for your Study Abroad Program

Wondering how to fit your life into one or two suitcases?! Read on to learn how to pack for your study abroad program.

BA students play soccer

What’s Up Doc? 4 Health Steps to Take Before You Go Abroad

Staying healthy abroad starts with a plan! Read on to discover 4 things you should be sure to do to prepare for a healthy travel experience.

BA Students Studying

Registering for the Courses You Will Take Abroad

With registration quickly approaching, you may be curious as to how you actually register for your classes. Or, did you already register? If you’re asking that question, the answer is no. So read on to learn how to register for your IP classes!

Students laughing in Florence, Italy

Managing Your Money Abroad

Studying abroad is a great time to work on developing good money management habits. We have compiled a few tips and tricks to help you to think about the role that money will play in your international experience.

Let the IP Bound Challenge commence!

Let the 21-22 IP Bound Challenge Commence!

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Complete the 2021-22 IP Bound Challenge to get to know your IP cohort, check off your preparation steps and win prizes or a scholarship!

BA students trek up a volcano.

January 2021 Newsletters from our IP Ambassadors

January 2021 newsletters are here! Check out the first update of the year from our IP Ambassadors to stay up-to-date on what's happening with your IP cohort.

Lausanne students play in the snow

Holiday Greetings from Pepperdine International Programs

We are so grateful that you chose to join the IP family! Read on to hear reflections on gratitude from our Executive Director, Beth Laux.

Heidelberg in the fall.

November 2020 Newsletters from our IP Ambassadors

Dreaming of your future abroad location? Check out the November 2020 newsletters from our IP Ambassadors to stay up-to-date on what's happening with your IP cohort.

Heidelberg, Germany

Show Your IP Pride with Virtual Backgrounds

During this time of remote instruction, there are still lots of ways to connect with your IP community. our IP virtual backgrounds for Zoom to show your IP pride.

Botanical garden

How to Apply for a Second Passport

Do you have fun travels planned prior to attending your study abroad program? If so, you may need to apply for a second passport! Read on to learn how.