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Florence Summer GE Program

Florence City View

Students have many general education course requirements, so what better time and place to complete them than a summer in Florence, Italy? Students have the opportunity to complete a variety of courses in this two-month program.

Program Dates

May 5, 2024 - June 28, 2024

Dates above indicate a planned departure date from the US and in-country return departure date.


Tuition: $2,070 per unit (same as Malibu tuition per unit)

Housing & Food: $5,392

Program Specific Costs:

  • Global Health Fee: $200
  • Emergency Italy-Based Health Insurance: $93

Course Requirements

Students are required to complete a minimum of 8 units between May and June. All students are required to be in an Italian language class for the duration of the program. Students are, therefore, advised to enroll in either HUM 212 or REL 300 in May, in addition to their language class. In June, students are similarly advised to enroll in either BA 355 or HUM 313, in addition to their language class.

Summer 2024 Florence Textbook List

Course Offerings


HUM 212 Western Culture II (3)

GE: Western Culture

Prerequisites: HUM 111, ENG 101 (or GSHU 121 or SAAJ 121)

An analysis and interpretation of six major historical "events" during the time period 1300-1815 and their cultural implications: Renaissance, Reformation, Intercultural Encounters, Science, Enlightenment, the French Revolution. Students will achieve cultural literacy in these areas and develop skills in cultural interpretation and analysis.

REL 300 Christianity and Culture (3)

GE: Christianity & Culture

Prerequisite: REL 200 or REL 102. 

Illuminates and evaluates how Christian scripture, theology, history, and practices interact with perennial human concerns, with a course-specific focus. 



HUM 313 Western Culture III (3)

GE: Western Culture

Prerequisite: HUM 212

Focused on a particular topic in modern culture, the course will use historical narrative of the time period 1815 to the present as a background for investigation into a particular theme or themes. Students will engage with and assess varying cultural and historical interpretations. Students will achieve cultural literacy in the modern period and demonstrate their skill in synthesizing and evaluating diverse historical and cultural interpretations.

BA 355 Principles of Marketing (3)

An in-depth investigation of marketing principles and practices. Content areas are segment identification, product concept and design, distribution practices, promotion strategies, and pricing decisions. There is an emphasis on understanding consumer behavior through modern research techniques. Students meet individually with marketing executives and create a marketing plan.

May - June

HUM 295 Enriching the International Experience (1)

This course is designed to enrich the student's international experience by providing opportunities to engage more fully with the culture and to reflect more deeply on the experience. It is the goal of this course to help students know how to look at and listen to their new culture and how to give meaning to their international experience. Taught only in International Programs. May be repeated in a different location. Cr/NC grading only.

ITAL 121 Italian Language and Culture (1)

Teaches basic, practical conversation and limited reading and writing skills along with a study of Italian culture. This course does not prepare a student to take ITAL 152. Taught only in the Florence program during the summer term.

ITAL 151 Elementary Italian I (4)

Basic conversation, reading, and writing; study of Italian culture. Must be taken for a letter grade. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- before they can advance to subsequent courses.

ITAL 152 Elementary Italian II (4)

Prerequisite: ITAL 151 or equivalent competency

Continued practice of basic conversation, reading, and writing; study of Italian culture. Must be taken for a letter grade. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- before they can advance to subsequent courses.

ITAL 251 Second-Year Italian I (4)

GE: Language; Prerequisite: ITAL 152 or equivalent competency

Emphasizes language production skills and interactive language use with a concentration on conversation. This course also develops reading strategies and examines complex grammar structures. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- before they can advance to subsequent courses.

ITAL 252 Second-Year Italian II (4)

Prerequisite: ITAL 251 or equivalent competency

As in ITAL 251, this course emphasizes language production skills, but focus is on composition and reading literary texts to prepare students for upper-division courses. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- before they can advance to subsequent courses. This course is a prerequisite for all upper-division courses.

PE 191 Individual Exercise (1)

International Programs only. Extra fee required.



Steven Bauer

Professor Steven Bauer

Assistant Instructor of Teaching of Marketing
Business Administration Division, Seaver College

Office: CCB 314

Steve Bauer is Assistant Instructor of Teaching of Marketing at Seaver College, and teaches courses in Principles of Marketing and International Marketing. He received his MBA in marketing from Columbia University, MA in psychology from the University of Illinois and BA in psychology from Yale University. Prior to teaching at Pepperdine, he worked for Hershey, Newell Brands and other companies. During his career at Hershey, Steve (and his family) transferred to Lörrach, Germany for three years to work at a premium German chocolate company, Gubor Schokoladen, purchased by Hershey. In addition, Steve traveled to Asia extensively while helping to manage the marketing of Hershey’s operations in Japan, China, Korea, and the Philippines; and developed new products for Newell Brands in Latin America. He is also on the Board of the Westside Food Bank in Santa Monica. Steve and his wife, Beki, reside in Westwood. Their daughter, Allysa, son-in-law Scott and amazing grandson/baby Brooks live in Purchase, NY. Their other daughter, Carrie, resides in Austin, TX. Florence has a special place in Steve’s heart from his visits to the city, and he is super excited about this teaching assignment.

Faculty-in-Residence 2025

Garrett Pendergraft

Garrett Pendergraft

Garrett Pendergraft is a philosophy professor at Seaver College who loves teaching philosophy because it makes your brain hurt (but in a good way). He teaches courses in logic, ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics; this means that he spends his days pondering profound questions about humanity, reality, and the relationship between the two—like whether it’s morally permissible to put pineapple on pizza. He and his wife, Amy, along with their three kids (who are experts in gelato tasting), had the pleasure of serving in Florence several years ago, and can’t wait to get back. Like most visitors to Florence, they fell in love with the city—the breathtaking architecture of the Duomo, the charming neighborhoods around the Arno River, and all of the fantastic coffee places and gelato shops. They are excited to share these experiences with a fresh group of students. Andiamo!

Updated: 07.19.2024