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How to Create and Use an Assignment Folder in Panopto

What Does It Do?

Assignment folders in Panopto are a wonderful way to host and (optionally) showcase student-created, video content.  These videos can be uploaded by students, and shared by way of instructor preference.

Important Note: Instructors have full access and control over students' uploaded content in the Panopto assignments folder.

How You Can Use It

  • Use the Panopto tool as a staging ground for student video uploads
  • Allow students to view the videos of their peers
  • Allow students to post links to their videos in other tools (i.e. Forums, Assignments, etc).


  1. Create the Assignment Sub-Folder
  2. Configure the Assignment Sub-Folder Settings


  1. Upload a Video to the Assignment Sub-Folder
  2. Sharing Your Video Outside of the Panopto Assignment Folder


Create the Assignment Sub-Folder

  1. Sign in to Courses (Sakai), and navigate to your course site.
  2. Locate the Panopto tool in your course site tool menu.  Note: if the tool does not appear in the tool menu, then add it through Site Info > Manage Tools.
  3. Click the "Panopto" tool in the course site tool menu.
  4. Click the "Gear" icon.The gear icon is located near the top right of the Panopto interface. 
  5. In the "Overview" tab underneath the "Assignment Folder" header, click the "Create Assignment Folder" link.Click the "Create Assignment Folder" link directly below the "Assignment Folder" header. 
  6. You will now observe that an "assignments" folder has been generated.  Note: this is a sub-folder of the Panopto course folder.  The default name of this sub-folder will always be the same as the course folder, except appended with "[assignments]."The new folder will now include the text "[assignments]" to designate that it is the new assignment folders. 
  7. Click the "X" to close out of the Panopto folder settings dialogue.Click the "X" icon at the top right of the dialogue window.


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Configure the Assignment Sub-Folder Settings

  1. Click the new assignment sub-folder to drill down into it.  Note: the sub-folder icon will contain a small red dot on the folder icon.The new assignments folder will include a red dot on the icon. 
  2. Click the "Gear" icon.The gear icon is located near the top right of the Panopto interface. 
  3. (Recommended) Click the "Settings" tab and then click the checkbox corresponding to the option of "Allow viewers to see each other's sessions."  Note: This setting will allow students to view videos that other students have also uploaded into this assignment folder.The settings tab is immediately below the "Share" setting, which will expose the option to allow viewers to see each others videos. 
  4. (Optional) Configure any other settings as desired.
    1. Allow viewers to make notes public - Notes are a powerful feature in Panopto that allow viewers to input notes at specific reference points in the video.  By default, notes are private, but individuals do have the option to make these notes publicly viewable to other viewers of the video.  This option allows instructors to either allow or prevent viewers from making their notes public.
    2. Email viewers when new videos are ready - This option is not recommended at this time.
    3. Disable comments on all sessions in this folder - Comments are not the same thing as "notes."  A comment refers to feedback or general commentary that a viewer can add within the "Discussion" tab of the video in Panopto.  If desired, instructors can disable this "Discussion" tab feature for all videos in the folder.
  5. Click the "X" to close out of the Panopto folder settings dialogue.Click the "X" icon at the top right of the dialogue window.  

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Upload a Video to the Assignment Sub-Folder

  1. Sign in to Courses (Sakai), and navigate to your course site.
  2. Click the "Panopto" tool in the course site tool menu.
  3. Click the Assignments sub-folder to access its contents.  Note: You may not see the videos that other students have uploaded depending upon your instructor's setting preferences.Click the assignments folder found within the Panopto tool.  
  4. Select the "Create" drop-down menu and click the "UploadMedia" option. Note: Students do have the option to download Panopto's capture software for video creation.Click the "Create" button reveal the option to upload media. 
  5. Now, either drag-and-drop a video file into the region surrounded by the perforated edges or click within the region to browse for the video file.You can drag and drop your video file into the interface. 
  6. Important: Do not close the window. Wait for the video(s) to fully upload.  You may view the upload progress at the bottom of the dialogue.The upload progress displays at the bottom of the dialogue. Please be patient as the upload completes.  
  7. Once the upload has completed, you may click the "X" at the top of the window to close the upload dialogue.Once the upload has completed, you may click the "X" icon at the top-right of the upload dialogue. 
  8. You should now see your uploaded video populate in the Assignments sub-folder.
    • Note*: Before the video may be streamed, it may take several minutes for the video to process after the upload has completed.
    • Note**: Depending upon your instructor's settings, you may or may not be able to see other students' videos populate in this folder as well.  If you are permitted to see other student's videos, then bear in mind that you can only control the settings and properties of your own video file(s).The new, uploaded video will feature within the assignments sub-folder.


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Sharing Your Video Outside of the Panopto Assignment Folder

Students may wish to link or embed their uploaded video(s) into another activity, such as a Forum discussion, a Blog, or even a Google Doc.  To accomplish an objective like this, please follow the steps below.

  1. In your course site, navigate to the Panopto assignment sub-folder where you uploaded your video(s).
  2. Locate and hover your mouse cursor over your video to reveal its options and settings.
  3. Click the "Share" option.Click the "Share" button, which is sandwiched between the settings and edit buttons. 
  4. A dialogue window will prompt you to specify who should have access to this media.  Be sure to select a setting of "Anyone with the link."Be sure to select the "Anyone with the link" option, so that all users can view the content. 
  5. Important: Click "Save Changes" to confirm.Click "Save changes" at the bottom of the dialogue to confirm this change. 
  6. You have two (2) options for how to share your content.
    1. Option 1: Link
      1. Click the "Link" option (it usually is selected by default) and then copy the entire link to your clipboard.Click the "Link" option at the top of the share settings dialogue to reveal the share link.
      2. You can now paste that link into any correlating activity.
    2. Option 2: Embed
      1. Click the "Embed" option.
      2. Adjust the embed settings to your liking.
      3. Click "Copy Embed Code" to copy the code to your clipboard.When clicked, the "Embed" option will reveal additional settings, as well as a button to copy the embed code. 
  7. (Optional) If you selected the "Embed" option and you would like to embed the code in an activity that utilizes the CKEditor in Courses (i.e. Forums, Inline Assignments, Blogs, etc.), then there are additional steps.  In the CKEditor:
    1. Click the "Source" button in the CKEditor.The "Source" button is located at the top-left of the Rich Text Editor's palette.
    2. Paste the embed code into a blank space in the editor.Paste the embed code into the bottom of the post.
    3. (Optional) Click the "Source" button once more to see a preview of the embedded content.  Note: The video will not be playable in the editor.  It will simply show up as an iframe.
    4. Scroll down and click "Post" when finished.                                                                

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