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Faculty Steering Committee


The Technology and Learning Faculty Steering Committee provides leadership and guidance to the benefit of all five schools.  The committee serves as an advisory committee for the University's technology-driven teaching and learning initiatives.

At Pepperdine University, Information Technology has invested in a number of centralized learning and collaborative tools, such as learning management systems, web conferencing, online storage, plagiarism detection, and videoconferencing, to name a few.  Information Technology and the university look to the committee to assess the pedagogical value of tools and services and make recommendations for their effective use in teaching and learning.

The committee reviews and prioritizes enhancements, integrations, and new developments for existing tools.  In addition, it reviews and prioritizes the pilot testing and adoption of new tools, and makes recommendations for their effective use in teaching and learning.  The committee will help us offer technologies that serve the needs of our diverse academic community.


The Faculty Steering Committee will have two primary meetings per year, once in the fall, and once in spring.  The committee will leverage email and online means to communicate between meetings as needed. 


The committee charter outlines the purpose and procedures for the steering committee.


The 2024-2025 membership includes:


  • Jordan Lott (Technology and Learning)
  • David Smith (Provost Office)

Pepperdine Graziadio Business School 

  • James DiLellio
  • Kyle Murphy

Graduate School of Education and Psychology

  • Stephanie Woo
  • Samaa Haniya

Caruso School of Law

  • Colleen Graffy

School of Public Policy

  • James Prieger

Seaver College

  • Sharyl Corrado
  • Ben Postlethwaite