Housing Contract Terms and Conditions
Housing and Residence Life Housing Contract Terms and Conditions Memorandum
The terms and conditions stated in this Memorandum are in addition to those stated in the 2021-2022 Pepperdine Housing Contract Terms and Conditions.
Please note that by moving into on campus residential housing, you agree to comply with the terms and conditions set forth in this Memorandum, as well as all future terms and conditions communicated by the University relating to health and safety, which include, but are not limited to participating in contact tracing, surveillance testing, quarantine or isolation processes, and/or that you may be required to relocate multiple times. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions may result in referral to Community Standards and disciplinary action being imposed (e.g., dismissal from residential housing).
Quarantine and Isolation
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, residential students are required to follow all applicable health and safety directives set forth by federal, state, and local law, as well as those set forth by the University. As such, students may be required to relocate in order to quarantine or isolate from other residential students. Please be aware we will advise students who live on campus to quarantine and isolate on campus or in accommodations provided by the university.
Vaccinated students who have a positive COVID-19 test or who are diagnosed with COVID, will also be required to isolate from other residential students.
What is the student isolation and quarantine process?
We have designated separate quarantine spaces and isolation spaces. It is unlikely that students who are fully vaccinated will need to be quarantined even if they have close contact with a COVID-19 case. Please be aware that CDC, LA County Department of Public Health, and Pepperdine University COVID-19 related guidelines and protocols may change if pandemic conditions significantly change.
The University has designated Contact Tracers and nurses who will assess a student's risk if symptoms develop that are consistent with COVID-19, or if a student has an exposure to someone diagnosed with COVID-19. They will also contact students diagnosed with COVID-19 to determine their contact with others and their risk of having spread COVID-19. Students are expected to cooperate fully with the Contact Tracers, being truthful about their close contacts and activities, in order to keep the entire community safe. Failure to cooperate, or withholding pertinent information may result in referral to the Office of Community Standards.
If a residential student is placed in either a quarantine or isolation area on campus, the Student Health Center along with Residence Life staff will continue to care for the student. This includes health monitoring, delivery of meals and care packages, frequent check-ins, assistance with online learning, etc.
Health and Safety Checks
Frequent temperature checks, health screenings, weekly surveillance testing and use of face coverings are a few of the health and wellness measures that may be required of students. Additionally, students may be required to participate in contact tracing, weekly surveillance testing, quarantine or isolation processes, and may be required to relocate multiple times. Failure to comply with these processes will result in referral to the Office of Community Standards.
Wellness checks will be required prior to leaving your suite or apartment each day. This includes weekends. Residents will be required to complete a wellness check (on their phones or computers) before leaving their suite or room. Those with fever or other illness symptoms described in the wellness check form should stay in their room and should not attend class, go to the cafeteria, library or other public spaces. They should follow the directives given during their completion of the Symptom Checklist.
The obtaining or sharing of the Daily Wellness Check green dots that do not belong to the person who completed the wellness check is considered to be dishonest and a violation of the Student Code of Conduct and the University's Code of Ethics.
Roommate and Suitemate Agreements
As usual, Residence Life will be facilitating a roommate and suitemate agreement process in all buildings. This year, specific COVID-19 related topics such as bathroom cleaning, physical distancing expectations, guest policies, etc. will be emphasized to encourage residents to reach a mutual understanding regarding these expectations with each other.
Face Coverings/Social Distancing
Face coverings, which cover both the nose and mouth, must be worn in accordance with the face coverings/social distancing policy. Generally, social distancing is no longer required on Pepperdine campuses in Southern California, though it may continue to be necessary in limited settings, at athletics events, and at international campuses.
The suite/apartment itself is considered a "household." Therefore, physical distancing and face coverings are not required inside suites/apartments; however, these protective strategies may still be practiced inside suites/apartments by choice. When guests are present, all individuals present must wear a face covering.
Guests are currently permitted in the residence halls and apartments. When guests are present, all individuals present must wear a face covering.
Room Care
Due to COVID-19, residents are expected to adhere to the increased cleaning expectations
as set forth by the University in order to ensure the health and safety of you and
your neighbors.
On-campus student residents will be provided with disinfectant cleaning supplies to
support surface disinfection in their residence hall or apartment living space. Students
will be asked to support cleaning and disinfection by maintaining clean restrooms
and common area surfaces. We ask that each suite and apartment create a "cleaning
plan" through the suitemate agreement process.
Public areas and all suite and apartment bathrooms will be on a scheduled cleaning rotation as determined by the Department of Facilities Services.
Air Circulation
We highly recommend opening windows, hatches and doors often to allow for proper air flow and help prevent the spread of COVID-19 in the suites, apartment, and common areas.
Common Areas
Common areas include spaces such as lobbies, lounges, kitchens, living rooms, etc. in residential complexes. We encourage use of outside spaces to meet up and do work. The following guidelines will apply to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in all common spaces. If these guidelines are not followed, access to the common space may be revoked.
- Face coverings must be worn in accordance with the face coverings/social distancing policy.
- People using any common space must clean high touch areas before and after use.
- Cleaning supplies will be provided. (Please place a work order if supplies are running low.)
- Students will only have access to common area spaces in their residential complex.
- For the health and safety of the community, avoid sharing any supplies.
- Do not remove or rearrange any furniture in indoor or outdoor common area spaces.
- Guests are not permitted in common area spaces.
Community Kitchens
We encourage students to bring their own kitchen supplies as shared supplies will not be provided in the kitchens. Please do not leave any items in the kitchen as they will be removed from the space in order to help restrict the sharing of supplies.
We encourage all students to have their own mini-fridge and microwave in their room as shared refrigerator access will not be available in the kitchens and shared microwaves will be limited.
For your health and safety, please do not leave or take any free food left in the kitchen.
Laundry Rooms
Laundry rooms will remain open. Please abide by capacity limits and restrictions above. If possible, consider the use of external services such as Tide Laundry to limit the use of the laundry rooms.
Room Changes
Due to COVID-19, students are only able to move rooms when a mutually agreed upon move or swap occurs. To coordinate a room change, you will need to: 1) Reach out to the student that you wish to switch with and ask them if they consent to switching rooms. That student will then need to email us with confirmation and 2) Reach out to all suite or apartment-mates where a vacancy occurs of which you wish to move. Those students will need to email us with confirmation that they consent to allowing you to move into that suite or apartment.
Once our office receives an affirmative reply from all parties involved consenting to the switch, we will be glad to officially process the switch.
Sick Meals
If you are ill, you must stay in your room and call the Student Health Center (SHC) or inform your RA or RD if it is after hours for the SHC. Do not go to the cafeteria, library, classrooms or other public spaces, and have a roommate, suitemate or apartment-mate deliver meals (if unable to arrange, call RD on Duty by calling DPS). The ill student can select and pay for their meal utilizing the GrubHub app, and have the roommate, etc. pick up the food items at the pick up location designated. The student ordering and paying for the food should write in the "notes" section of the GrubHub app who will be picking up the food. This will then authorize that student to collect the food at the pick up location.
Building Evacuations
Residents who may be in quarantine or isolation will evacuate to a different location.
1.1 These Terms and Conditions are incorporated by reference into all housing contracts and are binding upon contract submission. These Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect until the end of the contract period, subject to the reservation of rights below. Housing contracts are binding for the academic year (fall and spring semesters). This includes residents who graduate from Seaver College and transfer into a Pepperdine graduate program or participate in dual degree programs. Spring and summer contracts are binding for that single academic term. It is the responsibility of the resident to retain a copy of these Housing Contract Terms and Conditions.
In the online Housing Portal, you must accept these terms and conditions of the e-contract in order to select on campus housing. This means that you have read, understand, and agree to all of the terms and conditions of the e-contract.
This e-contract will become legally binding for both parties when (A) the Housing Office receives the accepted e-contract online and (B) a placement is made by the Department of Housing and Residence Life or selected by the resident or one of their linked roommates.
Undergraduate students will be assessed up to a $900 contract cancellation fee upon cancellation of the housing contract after a placement has been made by the Department of Housing and Residence Life or selected by the resident or linked roommates (see 11).
Graduate students will forfeit the $500 non-refundable prepayment upon cancellation of the housing contract after being placed in a housing assignment.
1.2 While Housing and Residence Life will attempt to honor an individual's housing request, there is no guarantee that such accommodation will be made. This includes roommate requests, roommate changes, placement requests, placement changes, requests for single rooms, or special accommodations. The resident is not permitted to take in boarders or roommates not assigned by Housing and Residence Life.
1.3 The University, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have the right to reassign a resident or cancel a contract at any time when in the best interest of the residential community. This means that a student may be reassigned to a different room, or removed from on campus housing, with little to no notice.
1.4 The University reserves the right to place any student in any available bed space at any time. As such, the Housing office may not be able to give current residents advance notice of new roommates, suitemates, or apartment mates.
1.5 The University, in its sole and absolute discretion, shall have the right to deny housing to any resident whose conduct has been deemed by the University as unsuitable to community living as described in the resident handbook. When invoking the reservation of this right, the University will provide the resident with reasonable notice that the resident's housing contract will not be recognized for any, or all, following semesters. Residents who are dismissed from University housing prior to the end of the contractual period will be responsible for any remaining monetary charges and will be ineligible for reimbursement.
1.6 Withdrawal from the University, graduation*, marriage, military deployment, or
acceptance to a Pepperdine International Program are the only accepted reasons for
canceling this contract. The resident must notify the Housing Office via their Pepperdine
email account of their intent. Residents who withdraw from school must also notify
the OneStop Office (Seaver undergraduate students), or the student's academic advisor
(graduate students), and officially check out with Housing and Residence Life.
*This excludes residents who complete courses at Seaver College between semesters
and begin a Pepperdine graduate program and those participating in dual degree programs.
Maintaining enrollment at Pepperdine University will render the contract binding for
the full academic year.
1.7 Date of official withdrawal from housing will be based on the date when the Housing Office receives official notification of withdrawal from the university and all personal belongings have been removed and a walkthrough of the living area performed.
1.8 By submitting a housing application or e-contract you agree to and authorize Housing and Residence Life to retrieve personal data including, but not limited to, GPA and number of completed units for purposes of determining housing eligibility.
2.1 To be eligible to live in University housing at the Malibu campus during the academic year (fall and spring semesters), the resident must be enrolled for credit as a Pepperdine student during each semester, or summer term, of occupancy and be in good academic and financial standing.
2.2 Residents who fall below full-time enrollment status during their contract are still bound to the terms and conditions of the housing contract for the full academic year.
2.3 Residents living on campus for the fall term who do not complete their enrollment by the spring enrollment deadline are not eligible for on campus housing. These residents will be required to remove all of their belongings and check out with their Resident Advisor at the end of the fall semester.
2.4 All new first-year undergraduate residents are required to live on campus and have a meal plan for their first four semesters. New transfer residents are required to live on campus for their first entire academic year. The only exception applies to spring transfer residents who are required to live on campus for one semester (the spring term when they begin Pepperdine).
2.5 The Housing Office does not evaluate financial aid. Exceptions to policy are not made based on financial need.
2.6 In compliance with relevant federal and state civil rights legislation, the University does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, creed, color, disability, sex, developmental disability, national origin, ancestry, marital status, arrest record, or conviction record.
The Housing Office works in collaboration with the Office of Student Accessibility who approves and facilitates accommodations for residents with disabilities, and for residents requesting accommodations. If you have a disability, or if you suspect that you have one, please contact the Office of Student Accessibility as soon as possible. Accommodations received after the posted deadlines will be met based on availability.
Limited housing is available during non-academic periods between semesters. Any resident wishing to remain on campus during these periods must obtain advanced approval from the Housing Office. Residents approved to remain in campus housing before or after the contract period may be required to move to a different room and may incur additional housing charges. Residents are required to secure their own meals, as meal plans are not available and dining facilities will be limited.
4.1 Academic Year – This contract begins on the first day of New Student Orientation
(NSO) for new incoming residents and on the first day of returning resident check
in for each academic program. This contract extends through the entire academic year
until the designated move out date for each academic program.
The contract cannot be canceled except under the conditions cited in the CANCELLATION
section of this contract.
4.2 Spring Admits – For residents admitted for the spring semester, this contract
begins on the first day of New Student Orientation for incoming residents in January
for each college or program. This contract extends through second semester until the
designated move out date for your academic program.
The contract cannot be canceled except under the conditions cited in the CANCELLATION
section of this contract.
4.3 Winter Interim – Current undergraduate residents who choose to remain in on campus
housing will be charged an additional fee as Seaver College is closed during this
time. Additionally, each resident must pre-register prior to the posted deadline.
Graduate residents who choose to remain in on campus housing will not be charged an
additional room rental payment. However, Graduate students are encouraged to sign
up for a winter interim contract for emergency tracking purposes.
4.4 Contract Assignment- This contract is non-transferrable. Residents may not 'sublet' any part of the university housing facilities.
The University agrees to provide housing to the resident under the terms and conditions herein stated and as described in the information materials which are by reference made a part of this contract. Those information materials include fee schedule, Housing and Residence Life Policies and Procedures, and Pepperdine Student Policies (Code of Conduct, Code of Ethics, Policies and Procedures, and Disciplinary Procedures).
The resident agrees to make payment of all fees specified in the CHARGES AND PAYMENT section of the contract, and to observe all Housing and Residence Life Policies and Procedures, and Pepperdine Resident Policies (including, but not limited to, the Code of Conduct, the Code of Ethics, the relevant Academic Catalogs and/or Student Handbooks, and other applicable Policies and Procedures including; Disciplinary Procedures), which are by reference a part of this contract, and to honor the terms and conditions stated in this contract.
7.1 The resident's account will be charged for room and board (if applicable) fees at the beginning of each semester.
7.2 The University reserves the right to adjust room rates, and the resident agrees to pay the rates as adjusted.
7.3 Payment will be made in accordance with the Student Accounts payment schedule.
7.4 Failure to satisfy the financial obligations accrued under this contract may result in the following: denial of issuance of transcripts; denial of enrollment; or removal or suspension from on campus housing, all of which would be pursuant to University rules and regulations governing the imposition of these sanctions.
8.1 If a resident believes a housing or meal plan transaction has been posted to their account in error, they may submit a petition to the Housing Office. After researching the resident's inquiry, the Housing Office will contact the resident with the resolution. If a transaction has been posted to the account in error, a correction will be made to the account. The resident will be responsible for any resulting late fees or finance charges on their resident account.
8.2 A resident not fulfilling the length of the contract will result in either the charging of a contract cancellation fee or the forfeiture of the non-refundable prepayment under the following circumstances:
A. Voluntary withdrawal from Pepperdine University
B. University disciplinary action, including suspension from on campus housing
C. Denial of admission or academic dismissal
8.3 A resident who withdraws from enrollment at Pepperdine University during the term of the contract receives a prorated refund of room rental charges, provided that the resident has properly withdrawn from Pepperdine University and properly checked out of their assigned space.
8.4 Refunds will not be granted for temporary suspension of housing services that result from an emergency, act of God, force majeure, or other exigency (see 12.4).
9.1 Meal plans are required for all residents residing in Drescher W and suite-style housing including Seaside Hall and Rockwell Towers. All first and second year residents are automatically enrolled in the standard meal plan of Waves E. This amount may not be reduced by first year students and certain second year students. Students will not be reimbursed for unused meal points, nor will spring meal plan amounts be adjusted based on actual points used during the previous fall semester. Please see 9.3 for additional details.
9.2 Upperclassmen students residing in areas with an in-unit kitchen may purchase an optional meal plan.
9.3 Residents may increase their meal plan at any time. Residents may decrease or cancel their meal plan by 5PM on the last day of the Seaver Add/Drop period for that semester. This is a firm deadline as financial transfers occur at this time and the funds are no longer with the University. No exceptions for this date will be considered.
9.4 Meal plan usage and dining facilities may be unavailable or limited outside of contract periods or during academic recesses. As such, it is the student's responsibility to plan ahead for these occasions.
9.5 Students are required to show their student I.D. card when purchasing food on campus. Students may purchase food for friends and relatives but must be present to purchase the food.
9.6 Should the University need to close due to an emergency (related to emergency, act of God, force majeure, or other exigency), students will not be reimbursed for unused meal points.
10.1 First and second year undergraduate students are required to live on the Malibu campus and will be automatically bound by the terms and conditions of this contract as part of their student status.
10.2 The non-refundable housing prepayment for graduate residents is $500. If the University cannot provide housing due to space limitations or eligibility, the non-refundable housing prepayment will remain on the account and be applied toward other University charges.
10.3 Confirmation of room assignments can be found via the online Housing Portal once assignments have been processed. The check in date, which is the earliest date a resident may take occupancy of a contracted room, may be found on the Housing and Residence Life website. Students occupying campus housing prior to their check in date will be subject to a fine and additional room charges.
10.4 Students not required to live on campus who wish to cancel their housing application/contract before they have reserved a space must submit their request via the online Housing Portal.
10.5 Withdrawal, Graduation, Marriage, Military Deployment, or Pepperdine International
Program residents: Residents withdrawing, getting married, actively serving in the
military, participating in a Pepperdine International Program or graduating from Pepperdine
University will be released from this contract without penalty. The resident must
notify the Housing Office via their Pepperdine email account of their intent. The
resident's housing contract will be canceled upon confirmation of the resident's status
by the Housing Office.
*This excludes residents who complete courses at Seaver College between semesters
and begin a Pepperdine graduate program and those participating in dual degree programs.
Maintaining enrollment at Pepperdine University will render the contract binding for
the full academic year.
10.6 Residents who move off campus without approval from the Housing Office are responsible for the contracted housing charges and, if applicable, meal plan charges for the full contractual period.
10.7 At the time of initial assignment, a reasonable attempt will be made to assign you to the residential and community preferences you selected on your online e-contract. Failure to honor your preferences will not void this contract. The University reserves the right to change room or hall assignments, to assign roommates or fill vacancies within any on campus housing.
10.8 Housing accommodation requests will be honored only if availability permits and the Office of Student Accessibility requirements are met.
10.9 After a student has reserved a space, the room assignment may be changed only with prior authorization of the Resident Director and the Housing Office, providing the room freeze period is not in effect.
The undergraduate resident which cancels a contract on or before the below dates will be charged the following cancellation fines:
Upon Room Reservation | $250 |
5/1 | $500 |
6/1 | $600 |
7/1 | $700 |
8/1 | $800 |
First Day of Class for Fall Semester | $900* |
No-show | $900 |
*in addition to room charge for occupancy.
Request for cancellation must be received via the Housing Portal. Graduate students who cancel their contract for any reason, including withdrawal from Pepperdine University, will forfeit the entire $500 non-refundable housing prepayment.
If a resident becomes ineligible to hold this contract due to a loss of student status, whether voluntary or involuntary, cancellation of this contract is mandatory.
12.1 Residents not enrolled in classes as determined by OneStop lose eligibility to live in University housing immediately. Non-enrolled and withdrawing students will be subject to the cancellation fee schedule and charges for dates occupied. Residents who withdraw must notify OneStop and officially check out with Housing and Residence Life.
12.2 In the following situations, a resident is eligible to apply through Housing and Residence Life to the Director of Housing or a designee for a contract cancellation:
A. Medical or Health Concerns: If a resident has a severe medical or health concern
which is directly related to campus housing, the resident may petition to be released
from the contract, if this need cannot be accommodated in a different on campus housing.
The resident must work directly with the Office of Student Accessibility (OSA) for
a housing accommodation and present documentation per OSA instructions.
B. If a student receives approval for a contract cancellation after the scheduled
check-in date, the student will be issued the fees as listed in the Terms and Conditions
#1. Contract Introduction.
12.3 All students submitting a housing contract will be obligated to have reserved on campus housing for the entire year. They are not eligible to be released from the contract in between semesters or any time during the year. This contract is binding for the entire academic year, and/or summer sessions, for those who enter into it and reserve a space. Contract cancellation and release outside of approved reasons in Section 10.5 is not available during the academic year.
12.4 In addition to any other terms and conditions set forth herein, the University may terminate this contract (in addition to other available remedies) and revoke the student's right to occupy his or her room (including denying access to the room) for any of the following reason:
A. Exigency. The University may terminate or temporarily suspend performance of any
part of this contract without notice in the event an exigency would make continued
operation for the Housing and Residence Life non-feasible.
B. Monetary Breach. A failure of the student to pay any fees or other amounts due
to the University under this contract.
C. Violation of Community Standards. Violation of University Community Standards may
be grounds for University disciplinary action and termination of the housing contract.
D. Removal and Suspension. Residents may be removed or suspended from campus housing
for failure to comply with University regulations, or if their actions are found to
be detrimental to the welfare of other residents. Residents removed or suspended from
housing may be prohibited further access and/or visitation in campus housing.
E. Failure to Comply with the Contract. If the resident fails to comply with any portion
of this contract, the University may cancel this contract using appropriate notice.
F. Health, Safety, General Welfare or Emergency. If the University finds, in its sole
and absolute discretion, that such action is appropriate for health, safety, general
welfare of its students and the campus community.
13.1 A full list of facility policies and procedures can be found in Student Policies
via the Pepperdine website. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list. Residents
should recognize that reserved rooms and common areas are University property and
therefore residents may not make modifications or additions to the residential facility.
Violation of facility policies may result in fines, disciplinary action, and/or loss
of housing privileges.
Residents agree to make no substantial alteration to their assigned space including
but not limited to painting, rebuilding, removing, or repairing anything found in
the housing assignment without prior approval from the Director of Housing Operations,
the Director of Facilities Services, and Planning, Operations, and Construction.
13.2 All residents are jointly responsible for the protection of the living area, its furnishings, and its equipment. When the University cannot identify the person(s) responsible for damages, residents will share in the payment for those damages, including charges for labor and materials. Charges for damages will be assessed as they occur throughout the semester and will appear on the resident's financial account (minimum $5 charge). Disciplinary action will be taken when appropriate.
13.3 We have inspected your residential living environment prior to your move in date
and know of no damp or wet building materials and know of no visible mold or mildew
contamination. Molds are a naturally occurring microscopic organisms which reproduce
by spores. Mold is found virtually everywhere in our environment, both indoors and
outdoors. You are notified, however, that mold can grow if your residential living
environment is not properly ventilated or maintained. If moisture is allowed to accumulate
in your residential space, it can cause mildew and mold to grow.
It is important that you regularly allow air to circulate in your residential space.
You agree to keep the interior of the residential space clean and to notify us promptly
of any leaks, moisture problems and/or mold growth. You agree to maintain the residential
space in a manner that prevents the occurrence of an infestation of mold or mildew.
You agree to uphold this responsibility by:
- keeping the residential space free of dirt and debris,
- apartment residents will clean all toilets, sinks, countertops, showers, bathtubs and tile or linoleum floors with a household cleanser at least every other week,
- immediately reporting any water intrusions, such as plumbing leaks, drips or "sweating pipes,"
- immediately notifying of overflows from bathroom, kitchen or laundry facilities,
- immediately reporting any visible mold growth on surfaces inside your residential space,
- using bathroom fans while showering or bathing and report any non-working fan,
- using exhaust fans when cooking, dishwashing, or cleaning,
- using reasonable care to close all windows and other openings to the residential space to prevent outdoor water from coming into the living space,
- cleaning and drying any visible moisture on windows, walls, and other surfaces, including personal property as soon as reasonably possible (note: mold can grow on damp surfaces within 24 to 48 hours), and
- immediately notifying of any problems with the air conditioning or heating systems that you discover (if applicable).
14.1 The University assumes no responsibility for failure to perform any terms or
conditions of this contract due to circumstances beyond its control.
Pepperdine University and Housing and Residence Life are not liable for property belonging
to residents which may be lost, stolen, or damaged in any manner that may occur on
the premises. Residents assume total liability for any injury, damage, property loss,
or expense resulting from modifications to the room completed by the residents. Personnel
of the University may order the immediate removal of room modifications found hazardous
to personal safety or that pose a fire hazard. Decisions regarding safety or fire
hazards are made exclusively by housing personnel.
14.2 When Force Majeure occurs, HRL may find it necessary to temporarily or permanently relocate a resident. HRL will provide additional details upon such occasion.
14.3 No recompense or compensation is provided for loss of student's time in dealing with a displacement (either temporary or permanent) nor retribution for discomfort.
14.4 Should the University need to close due to an emergency (related to emergency, act of God, force majeure, or other exigency), students will not be reimbursed, nor pro-rated, for time not spent in their residence hall space or apartment.
14.5 Residents agree to make no substantial alteration to their assigned space including but not limited to painting, rebuilding, removing, or repairing anything found in the housing assignment without prior approval from the Director of Housing Operations, the Director of Facilities Services, and Planning, Operations, and Construction.
15.1 The University does not carry insurance covering personal property. Therefore, residents are strongly encouraged to obtain their own renter's insurance to cover personal property. The University is not liable and shall assume no responsibility for losses, damages, or injuries of any sort occurring to personally owned property, furniture, or resulting from equipment malfunction or failure, or of any cause whatsoever. The University shall assume no responsibility for theft, destruction, or loss of money, valuables or other personal property belonging to, or in the custody of, the resident for any cause whatsoever, whether such loss occurs in the resident's room, storage area or public areas.
15.2 The resident agrees to pay for any damages, lost property, or unnecessary service costs caused by them to Housing and Residence Life because of the resident's neglect or intent.
15.3 The resident will be billed for damage to the building and for damaged or missing furniture or equipment.
15.4 Where two or more residents occupy the same room, and responsibility for damage or loss in the room cannot be ascertained by the University after having given the residents an opportunity to explain the damage or loss, the cost of damage or loss will be divided and assessed equally between the residents of the room. In the case of loss, damage, or unnecessary service costs to common areas of the building, defined as being those areas not assigned to an individual, the cost of repair and/or replacement may be assessed to each resident of the suite, apartment, or hall.
15.5 When damages occur, HRL may find it necessary to temporarily or permanently relocate a resident. HRL will provide additional details upon such occasion.
15.6 No recompense or compensation is provided for loss of student's time in dealing with a displacement (either temporary or permanent) nor retribution for discomfort.
16.1 All of the provisions of this agreement remain in effect for residents who obtain proper authorization and approval by the Director of Housing Operations for early check in, late move out, as well as during academic breaks. Residents who are authorized to check in early or stay late are responsible for applicable early arrival or late departure fees.
16.2 If a resident occupies a room or residence without authorization at any time outside of the contract dates (e.g., before the scheduled check in date, after the scheduled move out date, or after the resident's eligibility has ceased) the resident will be charged an unauthorized occupancy fee up to $250 as well as daily fees for each day or portion thereof outside of the contracted term. The space is not considered completely vacated until all of the belongings are removed and a walkthrough of the living area performed. Residents may not remain as a guest in the space after move out. Occupying a room or residence without authorization may also result in the revoking of current and/or future housing privileges and/or assessment of daily fees.
16.3 Allowing a roommate or apartment-mate access to a room prior to the scheduled check in date may also result in assessment of fines and/or withdrawal of current and/or future housing privileges.
16.4 Rooms are to be occupied only by the residents assigned to that room, except in the case of guests. Guests must abide by all University regulations, receive approval from their hosts, and register through Residence Life staff. Out of respect for the room/apartment-mates, residents should host guests on a limited basis; guests may not occupy or use residential facilities for more than two consecutive nights, and no more than six nights per semester.
16.5 The University reserves the right to refuse permission to house overnight guests. Guests are expected to abide by Federal, State and County laws. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests and for ensuring that guests abide by University rules and regulations.
If this contract is cancelled for reasons outlined in sections 1, 8 and 10, the resident will vacate the on campus housing within 24 hours after the cancellation of this contract.
18.1 Upon checking in to campus housing, each resident will complete and submit a room condition form which will be an accurate and complete inventory of the assigned room and the condition of its contents. Any check out charges assessed will be based on the initial inventory.
18.2 Residents must follow specific procedures when officially vacating a space. This information is distributed prior to move out and should be read carefully. Housing and Residence Life staff are available to answer any questions that may arise during this time. Each on campus housing space will be inspected by members of the University staff at check out. Facility conditions will be recorded and damage charges assessed in accordance with University policies. Residents may be fined for improper or late move out, such as leaving at unscheduled times or not signing paperwork. Belongings left in a room or common area after the check out time has passed may result in the assessment of a fine up to $200 for all those sharing the space. The University is not responsible for any damage to or loss of left belongings. Items will be disposed of within 24 hours, and students will not be reimbursed for items that are disposed of.
18.3 Any resident withdrawing from the University must follow withdrawal procedures of the Registrar's office prior to checking out of housing. The Housing Office will not process a withdrawal without official notification from OneStop. Students who withdraw from the University must vacate their assigned housing placement within 48 hours about submitting official withdrawal documentation.
It is required that all residents participate in the Basic Human Respect (BHR) program and fill out a roommate covenant while living on campus. This includes, but is not limited to, participating in all designated BHR and Community Life Orientation Meetings (CLOMs) throughout each semester.
Rooms are to be occupied only by the residents who are assigned to that room. Guests must be registered by the hosting resident through the RA and must abide by all University regulations. As a matter of respect, residents must receive permission from their room/apartment mates before making an invitation; guests (including International Program participants) may not occupy or use residential facilities for more than two consecutive nights, and no more than six nights per semester. No more than one overnight guest is allowed at a time, and the resident host must accompany overnight guests at all times. Out of consideration for others, overnight guests are prohibited during the last two weeks of the semester.
The University reserves the right to refuse permission to house overnight guests. Guests are expected to abide by Federal, State and local laws. Residents are responsible for the actions of their guests and for ensuring that guests abide by University rules and regulations.
For the safety and security of all, students are required to comply with the safety and security procedures in University housing buildings and may not tamper with locked doors or admit unauthorized individuals to buildings.
Students are responsible for maintaining possession of their student ID card at all times. Student ID cards serve as keys which permit residents access to their rooms as well as debit cards which students use to purchase meals with meal plans.
22.1 Students are not permitted to share their student ID cards with any individual including roommates, suitemates, or guests.
22.2 If a student is locked out of their building, suite, or room, the student is required to report their lockout and follow the lockout policies and procedures outlined on the Housing Website. The student is also responsible for the fine associated with receiving lockout assistance. Lockout fines will be assessed as follows:
- $10 during business hours
- $15 outside of business hours
23.1 The University reserves the right to enter any room at any time for the purpose of inspection, maintenance, or repair, in cases of emergency and between semesters.
23.2 Authorized personnel may enter a resident's room for reasons of health, sanitation, safety, and general welfare. Insofar as possible, advance notification will be given. However, in such cases, often no notification of entry will be given. Residents should also be aware that housing staff members may occasionally have to enter resident rooms on matters relating to the comfort of fellow residents; for example, to turn off an alarm clock, shut a window, etc.
23.3 The University reserves the right to access a room upon reasonable suspicion of a violation of a law or University policy.
23.4 A resident may not change any lock or place any additional locks on the door to their room or any other door within the residence. In the event of an emergency or other exigent circumstance, the University may remove residents' belongings for cleaning, repair, storage and/or protection. If the University official discovers that a room is unlocked, they will lock the room.
See the Housing and Residence Life website for a full listing of approved appliances.
Housing and Residence Life reserves the right to remove unauthorized or dangerous
electrical appliances.
25.1 Residents are responsible for cleaning their own rooms, for removing waste materials regularly, and for maintaining the sanitation and safety conditions acceptable to Housing and Residence Life. Residents are expected to recycle materials as stated in recycling policies.
25.2 Furniture may be moved only in accordance with the policies as written in the Resident Responsibility section of Facilities Policies and Procedures in the Resident Policies Handbook. University supplied furnishings may not be removed from the room. Furniture must be left in rooms and common areas to which it has been allocated.
25.3 University construction projects such as refurbishment, new construction, or unforeseen repair will cause increased noise in the community. Due to the scope of projects, some construction work may begin during the academic year. Prior to and following a major construction project, continual work may occur in and around residential areas. By agreeing to these terms and conditions, signing this agreement, residents acknowledge that they have been advised of the potential for construction projects and they accept their housing assignment accordingly. Housing and Residence Life will make every reasonable effort to inform the residents of any upcoming projects but cannot be responsible for delays in construction or refurbishment projects.
26.1 Overnight guests are permitted only if properly registered in accordance with published policies posted under Resident Policies on the Housing and Residence Life website.
26.2 Visitation is permitted between members of the opposite sex in accordance with Pepperdine University visitation policy posted under Resident Policies on the Housing and Residence Life website.
26.3 Pets, other than approved Emotional Support Animals or Service Animals, are prohibited from campus housing.
26.4 Audio-visual equipment must be played with discretion at all hours in order to not disturb others. Playing of speakers out of the window is not permitted. Residents responsible for excess noise and/or disruptive behavior may be subject to disciplinary action. Residents may be required to remove audiovisual equipment from their rooms.
26.5 The consumption or possession of alcoholic beverages or possession of alcohol paraphernalia is prohibited on University property or at any University-sponsored event or activity, regardless of the student's age. See Student Policies on the Housing and Residence Life website for additional details on alcohol and other drugs.
26.6 The following items are not permitted:
a. tampering with locks or card swipe devices in resident rooms or on University property
and other areas,
b. altering or duplication of University keys,
c. installation of items outside of the building, or outside of the resident's windows,
included but not limited to antennas, boosters, wires, or receivers,
d. parking bicycles or motor vehicles in unauthorized areas,
e. and the dropping of objects from windows.
26.7 Any commercial activities (including solicitation or advertising in the buildings or on the grounds of the University on campus housing) not authorized by established policy.
26.8 The possession or use of any material which may endanger resident welfare (e.g., weapons of any kind, including but not limited to firearms, sling shots, paintball guns, ammunition, knives, bows and arrows, firecrackers, explosives, etc.); this includes objects that resemble or are portrayed as weapons.
26.9 Possession, use, or sale of illegal drugs, medical or recreational marijuana. Smoking or vaping of any kind.
26.10 Any tampering with or misuse of fire alarm systems and firefighting equipment or the setting of fires.
26.11 Any tampering with or misuse of room, stairwell or hallway smoke/heat detection equipment.
26.12 Any tampering with or misuse of computing technology (hardware, software, printers, etc.) provided for general access by residents.
26.13 Violators of the above guidelines subject themselves to disciplinary action from the University and/or the penalties of the California state statutes. Change in rules and regulations may be made by the University during the terms of the contract. Such changes will be published by placing notices in all on campus housing one week before the changes become effective, unless the health or safety of persons using the facilities may be adversely affected by the delay; then, implementation will be immediate.
27.1 It is the responsibility of the resident to be familiar with all campus living policies which pertain to all areas, including graduate housing. A full description of University and Housing and Residence Life policies can be found in the Student Housing and Residence Life Policies via the Pepperdine website. By submitting this contract each student accepts responsibility for knowing and adhering to the regulations of the University. Violation of these policies will result in disciplinary action and can result in the loss of housing privileges. Any resident dismissed from housing will be responsible for the housing charges for the remainder of the contractual period. Any amendment to these terms shall be effective upon posting to the Housing and Residence Life website and email notification to each resident.
27.2 Residents are expected to share public areas in accordance with University behavioral conduct policies when the University sponsors events that require the use of public areas including suites, bathrooms, and lobbies.
Pursuant to Section 290.46 of the Penal Code, information about specified registered sex offenders is made available to the public via an internet Web site maintained by the Department of Justice as www.meganslaw.ca.gov. Depending on an offender's criminal history, this information will include either the address at which the offender resides or the community of residence and ZIP CODE in which they reside.
The resident gives permission to Pepperdine University, to use, without liability or remuneration, any photograph or footage taken of or supplied by the resident while participating in University-sponsored events, or while they are in the common areas, public spaces, grounds, buildings, or offices of University facilities.
The use of a resident's photograph or footage shall in no way be used in any other forum other than for legitimate business purposes.
Changes may be made in the terms and conditions of this contract only with written permission of the Director of the Department of Housing Operations or a designee.