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Buenos Aires Upper Division Spanish Program

BA City

The Buenos Aires Upper Division Spanish program is specifically designed to take students to their next level of language acquisition and cultural understanding through full immersion into Argentine culture. With the unique opportunity to live with carefully chosen homestay families, students receive the most organic form of cultural immersion. Students will be able to embrace the culture, customs and language of the Argentine people within the comfort of a family unit.

Program Dates

May 5, 2024 - June 28, 2024

Dates above indicate a planned departure date from the US and in-country return departure date.


Tuition: $2,070 per unit (equal to Malibu tuition per unit)

Housing & Food: $5,392

Program Specific Costs:

  • Global Health Fee: $200


Course Requirements 

8 unit minimum requirement.

Summer 2024 Buenos Aires GE/Upper Division Spanish Textbook List

Course Offerings

HUM 296: Enriching the International Experience II (0-1)

This course is a continuation of HUM 295 for students that study abroad for a full academic year. It is designed to enrich the students’ international experience by providing opportunities to engage more fully with the culture and to reflect more deeply on the experience. It is the goal of this course to help students know how to look at and listen to their new culture and how to give meaning to their international experience. Taught only in International Programs. May be repeated in a different location. Cr/NC grading only.

SPAN 350 Advanced Conversation (4) 

Prerequisite: SPAN 252 or equivalent competency.

A follow-up to the more basic Conversation and Phonetics course. Provides continued conversational practice in a native setting with emphasis on the nuances and vocabulary of the culture in which it is taught. This is a performance and practice course which may be repeated. Only four units can be counted toward the major.

SPAN 380 History and Culture of Latin America (4) 

Prerequisite: SPAN 252 or equivalent competency.

Latin American history and culture from the indigenous civilizations to the present. Students attend lectures, participate in discussions, and do field work in the environs of the country in which they are studying. 

SPAN 440 Latin American Texts (4) 

GE: Literature

Prerequisites: two courses from the SPAN 300, SPAN 341, and SPAN 345 sequence.

A survey style course that highlights key texts, movements, foundational authors, genres, and themes in Latin American culture. 



Dr. April Marshall


Dr. April Marshall

Professor of Hispanic Studies
International Studies and Languages Division, Seaver College

Office: PLC 195

April D. Marshall has explored El Yunque in Puerto Rico, snorkeled with sharks in the Galápagos, walked the city walls of Dubrovnik, and boated across Lake Atitlán in Guatemala. She is originally from Louisville, Kentucky and a double alumna of the University of Louisville. Her doctorate is in Spanish from New York University. She studied abroad in Spain and Venezuela. She has been at Pepperdine since 2003. April is a professor of Hispanic Studies in the International Studies and Languages division at Seaver College. She has traveled with Pepperdine students to Buenos Aires, Madrid, Washington DC,  Jordan, and Barcelona. She enjoys exploring the world alongside students and is always looking for the best gelato flavor!


Updated: 08.08.23