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Student Staff Positions

Applications for our student staff positions have closed. If you were unable to submit an application but would like to be considered for a position in our office, please email us as some positions may still be accepting new applications.


Academic Year 2024-2025 IP Hiring Timeline

February 5

Applications Open

February 25 
Application Deadline
11:59pm (PT)



April 5 - April 19

Decisions Sent Out

Below is a list of positions that are available in the IP Malibu Office for the Academic Year 2024-2025. To learn more about the duties, qualifications, and examples of general work, please visit the link below under 'Positions.'  You can also search for the positions via your Handshake account. Depending on the position(s) you have applied for, you may be sent an additional application or questions via email to fill out as part of that application. 

IP strongly prefers student employees that have work study (either Pepperdine or Federal). It is highly recommended that applicants have either participated in an international program or have cross-cultural experience.


You can find a description of all of the jobs here.

Global Learning Week Intern

Florence Ambassador 

Global Health and Safety Intern

London Ambassador 

IPRA Development Intern

Buenos Aires Ambassador 

Spiritual Life and Re-entry Intern

Washington D.C. Ambassador 
Digital Marketing Intern Heidelberg Ambassador 
Media Coordinator Manager Intern Switzerland Ambassador 
Integrated Web Marketing Intern Lead/Summer Ambassador 
Enrollment and Preparations Intern Special Projects Intern
Student Employee (Front Desk Worker) Global Fellows Ambassador 

Visas Intern