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International Programs Ambassadors

What is an International Programs Ambassador?

An IP ambassador is a current Seaver student who has recently returned from a Pepperdine International Program. An ambassador's main function is to act as a student representative of IP, sharing their experience and knowledge of current programs. Ambassadors meet with interested students and groups, and they act as guides throughout the International Program pre-departure process and will begin re-entry programs.

Feel free to contact each ambassador to request an appointment, or stop by the IP Office during their office hours beginning in August!

2023-2024 International Programs Ambassador Team


Melanie tadros headshot Melanie Tadros

Lead Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD

Melanie Tadros is a senior Biology major who  studied abroad in Florence in the spring of 2022 (Florence’s first group post-covid!). She says that studying abroad was by far the most incredible experience of her life in the most extraordinary city. From the history to the authentic Italian food and kind Italians she interacted with daily, she says she was surrounded by the richest culture. She traveled to 8 different countries during her time abroad and made relationships that will last a lifetime. She feels so blessed to be able to share her experience and is so excited to answer any questions you may have!




Annelise Cady

Buenos Aires Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD                       

Annelise is a junior at Pepperdine majoring in International Studies and Hispanic Studies and minoring in Nonprofit Management. She studied abroad in Argentina for the 2022-2023 academic year and says it was one of the most impactful experiences in her life. She loved being able to experience the duality of Argentina through living the big city life in Buenos Aires and encountering untouched nature in Patagonia. She says she misses talking with her homestay madre, eating empanadas at her favorite cafes, and hanging out with the friends she made while there, but hopes to return in the future to relive those memories. Annelise would love to share her experiences about her time in Argentina and encourage all students to apply to study abroad and hold on tight for the most thrilling adventure yet! 



Izabella Gandara

Florence Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD

Izabella Gandara is a junior Business Administration major who studied abroad in Florence, Italy for the entire academic year of 2022-2023. She was intrigued by Florence for its language, cuisine, culture, and religion. Originally, a fall-only semester student, she absolutely fell in love with the city, having her own favorite parks, restaurants, museums, and churches. She bought plenty of souvenirs and traveled to 10 different countries, focusing on the many cities Italy has to offer. She loved practicing her Italian when speaking to natives and tutoring a 13-year-old girl. Italy is now her second home and she can’t wait to nourish the friendships she made abroad. Her experience was life-changing, and she can’t wait to aid others in having an unforgettable experience.



Madison bunker

Madison Bunker

Heidelberg Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD                                

Madison Bunker is a junior studying biology. She studied abroad for the full academic year of 2022-2023 and had the most transformative experience. She spent her weekends traveling to 18 different countries, but says that despite all the amazing places she went, Heidelberg truly holds a special place in her heart. Walking down the Hauptstraße every morning on the way to class, coming back to Moore Haus after a weekend of traveling, and eating dinners with everyone in the program are a few of the small things that made Heidelberg feel like home. She can’t wait to share her abroad memories with others and encourage them to go abroad and make memories of their own!


Brent Long

Brent Long

Switzerland Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD

Brent Long is a junior at Pepperdine studying religion. He studied in Switzerland during the 2022-2023 academic year. He is excited to represent the Switzerland program because his year abroad was one of his favorite times of his life. His love for exploration was met with the incredible Swiss alps and the beautiful landscapes that Switzerland. His favorite memories were the shared times of awe during his travels across Switzerland and all of Europe. Switzerland is a special place for Brent and he cannot wait to share his experience with you all!


abby jo

Abby Jo Budiwan

London Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD

Abby Jo Budiwarman is a junior at Pepperdine studying International Business. She studied abroad in London during the 2022-23 academic year and had the experience of a lifetime. The London study abroad experience opened doors that allowed her to grow academically, culturally, and spiritually. She grew to call London her second home as she traveled around Europe and broadened her horizons further. From the many museums and historical landmarks to the infinite places to explore within London, Abby Jo misses the London city life and the community of friends she created. After an amazing year abroad, she feels incredibly blessed to be able to share her experience and encourages everyone to reach out and ask any questions they may have.



jasmine chan

Jasmine Chan

Washington D.C. Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD

Jasmine is a junior majoring in Political Science and Great Books, pursuing a pre-law track. She studied abroad in Washington, D.C. during the Fall 2022 semester. In DC, Jasmine had the unique opportunity to intern at a non-profit, working to end domestic violence through education, advocacy, and direct support services. As a SoCal native, Jasmine was able to explore the city life (with everything within walking distance from our building!), try amazing food and dessert, visit nearly all the Smithsonian museums, and travel around the East Coast! While Jasmine hopes to return to DC in the future, she is so excited to meet with and share her experiences and tips with students here who are looking to grow professionally, academically, and personally during their time at Pepperdine. Studying abroad is definitely a once in a lifetime opportunity and something Jasmine believes every student should experience!




Sydney Nystrom

Global Fellows Ambassador

Office Hours: TBD

Sydney Nystrom is a junior international studies (global politics) and French major. She is also pursuing a certificate in Conflict Management. Sydney studied abroad in Lausanne in the fall semester of 2022. Her time abroad fostered her appreciation for the world and the adventures it has to offer, as well as highlighted the importance of cultural communication. She is passionate about the mission of the PGF opportunity and is excited to encourage the program this year as they foster community, discover more ways to connect the world, and advocate for global leadership.