Modern Campus CMS for School and University Websites
General Editing Instructions
- Logging In/Out
- Creating Pages, Files, and Folders
- Editing Existing Pages
- Inserting and Editing Images
- Working with Tables
- Working with Snippets
- Working with Assets
- Working with Widgets
- Appendix and the Toolbar
Logging In/Out
How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS
- Open up a web browser.
- Navigate to an area of your website.
- Click on the copyright symbol toward the bottom of the web page. This will direct you to the Pepperdine Central Authentication Service (CAS) login screen.
- Type in your network ID in the NetworkID field.
- Type in your password in the Password field.
- Click the Login button.
How to Log Out of Modern Campus CMS
- Click on your User name in the upper right corner.
- Click Logout.
- Close the web browser.
Creating Pages, Files, and Folders
How to Create a Standard Page
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Navigate to the folder where the new web page will go.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Standard Page template.
- Select the page type from the drop-down: One Column or Two Columns.
- Type a title of the web page in the Content Title field.
- Uncheck the Display Content Title only if you do not want it to appear. The value will still appear in the page's meta title, but not as the 1st heading (H1).
- Enter a description of the web page in the Description field in a sentence format.
Note: This is used for search engines and social media applications. - Uncheck the Display Side Navigation if you do not want a side navigation or breadcrumbs
to display on the page.
Note: The default is to show the side navigation and it is highly recommended to leave it on. - Optional: Enable the Impact Widget by selecting an impact widget type from the drop-down and
selecting the path to the impact widget.
Note: This will display directly below the main site header. - Optional: Combine widgets 1.1 - 1.4 into a right column by checking the Widget Column checkbox. You may create a column title and select the size of the title, a link to the title and the size of the column.
- Optional: Turn any group of widgets 1.1 - 1.4, 2.1 - 2.4, or 3.1 - 3.4 into a row of widgets by checking the Widget Row checkbox. You may create a row title and select the size of the title, and a link to the title.
- Optional: Turn on any widget by selecting the type of widget from the drop-down, providing
the path to the widget, selecting the size and position of the widget, and choosing
whether to have a border on the widget.
Note: The widget must already exist and be published. - Optional: Turn on or off Main Content Sections 1, 2, 3 or side. The default is to display Main Content Section 1 and hide 2, 3 and side.
- Type a file name in the Filename field.
Note: File names should be all lowercase letters, numbers or hyphens. Do not add an extension. - Click the Create button.
- Select the Edit button above the preview window.
- See Basic Steps to Edit Content.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create a New Section with a Standard Page
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Navigate to the folder where the new web page will go.
- Click the New button.
- Click the New Section & Page template.
- Enter a Directory Name for the folder.
Note: This can only contain lowercase letters, numbers and hyphens. - Enter a Friendly Name for the section breadcrumb.
Note: This should be proper title case. - Complete the remain steps from How to Create a Standard Page beginning at step 6.
How to Create a New Folder
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Navigate to the folder where the new web folder will go.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Create New Folder button.
- Enter a folder name.
Note: The folder name may only include lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens. - Click the Create button.
How to Edit the Properties of a Web Page
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Navigate to the folder where the existing web page is.
- Click the lightbulb icon.
Note: A clear lightbulb means that the file may be checked out. A yellow lightbulb means that you have the file checked out. A red lock means that someone else has the file checked out. - Go to the "Properties" tab
- Make the desired edits to the properties.
Note: The properties are where items such as widgets, descriptions and the content title may be changed.
- To remove a widget, find the one you are looking for in the widget areas
- Under the first dropdown for that widget, change it to “Not Enabled” to disable it from appearing on the page
- If you are removing it, also clear the widget path in the field below
- Click the Save button at the bottom.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Upload Files
- Drag and drop your content to the desired folder.
Note: All uploads must be under 10MB in size, filenames may only include lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and the content must be placed within an appropriate "image" or "content" folder. - Publish the newly uploaded files.
- Click the Content tab.
- Navigate to the destination directory.
- Click the Upload button.
- Select a group that will have permission to edit the uploaded files.
- If the files being uploaded will overwrite existing files the Overwrite checkbox must be checked.
- Click the Browse button.
- Select the file or files that are to be uploaded.
Note: All uploads must be under 10MB in size, filenames may only include lowercase letters, numbers, or hyphens, and the content must be placed within an appropriate "image" or "content" folder. - Click the Upload button.
- Publish the newly uploaded files.
Editing Existing Pages
Basic Steps to Edit Content
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Select the area of the page you wish to edit.
- Begin editing the page by typing on the screen, by using the toolbar buttons, and/or by inserting snippets.
- Click the Save icon when you are done editing.
Basic Steps to Publish Content
Do one of the following:
- Publish:
- If you have permissions, you may click the green Publish Now button to send your page to the production server.
- Optional: Fill in a quick message about what has changed.
- Click the green Publish button.
- Send to User:
- Click the Send to User button for someone else to publish the page.
- Select the user you wish to send the file to from the To drop-down field.
- Type a subject and message in the appropriate text fields.
- Make sure the Send to Email box is checked.
- Click the Send button.
- Schedule:
- Click the Schedule button to automatically schedule your page to be published on the selected date and time.
- Click the date on the Calendar on which you would like the page to be published.
- Choose the hour and minute from the drop-down boxes.
- Optional: Choose to send yourself a notification e-mail that the file has been published.
- Type a subject and message in the appropriate fields.
- Make sure the Send to Email box is checked.
- Click the Schedule button.
How to Edit the Content Title
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Check-out the file by clicking on the clear light bulb.
- Click on Edit and select Properties.
- Edit the text in the Content Title area.
- Click the Save button at the bottom of the page when you are done editing.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Apply Bold or Italics
- Select the word, phrase, sentence, or paragraph to which you want to apply bold or
Note: This works best when selecting from back to front. - Click the Bold or Italics button on the toolbar or use the shortcut keyboard commands.
To Apply Ordered (Numbered) or Unordered (Bulleted) Lists
- Create the items you wish to be placed in a list. These should be separated by paragraphs.
- Select the items to be ordered or unordered.
Note: This works best when selecting from back to front. - Click the Insert/Remove Numbered List button for producing an ordered/numbered list of items or the Insert/Remove Bulleted List button for an unordered/bulleted list of items on the toolbar.
How to Insert a Hyperlink (URL)
- Select the text (or image) to link.
Note: This works best when selecting from back to front. - Click the Insert/Edit Link button on the toolbar.
- In the Link URL field, click the Browse button next to the Link URL field to navigate to an existing URL within your site, or type the full URL (including https://) for a link outside of the site.
- Click the Insert button.
How to Insert an Email Link
- Select the text to link.
Note: This works best when selecting from back to front. - Click the Create or Modify a Mailto Link button on the toolbar.
- Type the e-mail address in the Recipient Email field.
- Type the subject, if applicable, in the Mail Subject field.
- Click the Insert button.
How to Remove a Hyperlink (URL) or an Email Link
- Select the entire link to be removed.
- Click the Unlink button on the toolbar.
How to Insert an Anchor (a.k.a. Bookmark)
- Place the cursor in front of the text to be anchored.
- Click the Insert/Edit Anchor button on the toolbar.
- Type in an anchor name.
Note: The anchor name should be proper upper and lower cases with underscores instead of spaces. - Click the Insert button.
How to Link to an Anchor (within the same editable content area only)
- Select the text to link.
- Click the Insert/Edit Link button on the toolbar.
- Click the drop-down list within the Anchors field and select the anchor name.
- Click the Insert button.
How to Apply a Heading Level
- Select the paragraph.
- From the Format drop-down menu, this usually shows the word Paragraph, select:
- Heading 1 is for the content title. This should be the largest font size on the page.
Note: This should only exist once on a page. - Heading 2 is for the sub-section titles and may appear multiple times on a page.
- Heading 3 is for groupings/headings below H2 headings.
- Heading 4 is used as sub-categories.
- Heading 5 is used as sub-categories.
- Heading 6 is used as sub-categories.
- Heading 1 is for the content title. This should be the largest font size on the page.
How to Remove a Heading Level
- Select the entire heading.
- From the Format drop-down menu, this now shows Heading Level, select Paragraph.
How to Apply a Smaller or Larger Font to a Word, Phrase or Paragraph
- Select the word, phrase or paragraph to which you want to apply a smaller or larger
Note: This works best when selecting from back to front. - From the Styles drop-down menu, select Text Size Small, Text Size Smaller, Text Size Smallest, Text Size Large, Text Size Larger or Text Size Largest.
How to Align Text
- Select the entire paragraph.
- Select the specific alignment button (left, center, right or justified) from the toolbar.
Note: For consistency, nearly all text should be left aligned.
How to Remove a Style from a Word, Phrase or Paragraph
- Select the word, phrase or paragraph.
- Click the Remove Formatting button on the toolbar or select Styles from the Styles heading.
How to Insert an Image
- Before beginning, make sure that the image has been sized appropriately for the page by a photo editing software, such as in Adobe Photoshop or ImageReady. (see Appendix: Optimizing Images)
- Create a paragraph where the image is to be inserted.
- Press the Up Arrow key.
- From the Styles drop-down menu, select one of the appropriate image styles (Image left, right or center and with or without borders). The cursor will move to where the image will be placed.
- Click the Insert/Edit Image button on the toolbar.
- Click the Browse button next to the Image URL field.
- Select the image to be inserted or click the Upload Image button to upload a local image.
- Click the Select File button.
- Type some appropriate text in the Image Description field for Section 508 compliance.
This is a required field.
Note: Do not apply any horizontal spacing, vertical spacing, alignment, border, or styles. - Click the Insert button.
- Optional: Type in text for a caption for the picture. Use a line break to make the text wrap
Note: Do not apply any additional styles to the caption.
How to Modify an Existing Image
- Click once on the image.
- Press the left cursor key to place the cursor to the left of the image.
- Hold down the shift key and press the right cursor key to select the image.
- Click the Insert/Edit Image button on the toolbar.
- Make any necessary changes to the properties or select another image by clicking on the Browse button next to the Image URL field.
- Type some appropriate text in the Image Description field for Section 508 compliance.
This is a required field
Note: Do not apply any horizontal spacing, vertical spacing, alignment, border, or styles. - Click the Insert button.
Working with Tables
How to Create a Table
- Place your cursor where you would like the table to appear.
- Click the Inserts a New Table button on the toolbar.
- Complete the table by entering the desired table properties (Columns, Rows, Width,
and optionally, Class).
Note: Do not fill in the following fields: Height, Cellspacing, and Cellpadding nor anything from the Advanced tab. - Click Insert.
How to Modify an Existing Table
- Place your cursor within an existing cell of the table.
- Click the Inserts a New Table button on the toolbar or right-click on the cell and choose Table Properties.
- Complete the table modifications by entering the desired table properties (Columns,
Rows, Width and, optionally, Class).
Note: Do not fill in the following fields: Height, Cellspacing and Cellpadding nor anything from the Advanced tab. - Click Update.
How to Modify an Existing Cell
- Place your cursor within the cell of the table to be modified.
- Click the Table Cell Properties button on the toolbar or right-click on the cell and choose Cell; then Table Cell Properties.
- Complete the cell modifications by entering the desired cell properties.
Note: Only change the Cell Type, Width and Class. - Select Update Current Cell, Update All Cells in Row, Update All Cells in Column or Update All Cells in Table.
- Click Update.
How to Apply a Header Cell
- Place your cursor within the cell of the table to be modified.
- Click the Table Cell Properties button on the toolbar or right-click on the cell and choose Cell; then Table Cell Properties.
- Change the Cell Type from Data to Header in the drop-down menu.
- Select Update Current Cell or Update All Cells in Row.
- Click Update.
How to Apply Table Borders or Alternating Row Shading
- Place your cursor within the cell of the table to be modified.
- Click the Insert/Edit Table button on the toolbar or right-click and choose Insert/Edit Table.
- Change the Class in the drop-down menu:
Note: Preview table style options
- For borders select: Table with Borders
- For alternating rows select: Table with zebra-striping
- For alternating rows and border select: Table borders and zebra-striping
- Click Update.
Working with Snippets
How to Insert a Snippet
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Select the area of the page you wish to edit.
Note: A snippet can be inserted into any WYSIWYG area including a main content area or editable Widget. - Create an empty paragraph where the snippet should be placed.
- From the toolbar, select the Insert Predefined Snippet Content button.
- Optional: Select a category to filter the available snippets.
- Select the desired snippet.
- Add snippet.
- Follow snippet table guides to add content.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
Working with Assets
How to Create a Gallery Asset
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click on the Content tab.
- Select Assets.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Image Gallery button.
- Enter the Asset Name.
- Enter a Description for the asset.
- There is no need to click the lock to site as all gallery assets are only available within the site that it is placed.
- Change the Access Group to one in which you belong.
Note: The Access Group determines who may edit the asset. - Optional: Change the Available To drop-down group from Everyone to a specific group.
- There is no need to change any of the Gallery Options as they are not used.
- Click the Create button.
- Drag and drop a number of images from your computer to the images area.
Note: All of the images should already be optimized for the web. - Images can be reordered by dragging them to different places.
- Remove or replace the New Image Gallery phrase in the Title field.
- Enter a description.
Note: This is required for compliance and is used for those with visual disabilities. - Optional: Enter a Caption.
- Optional: Enter a fully qualified URL.
Example:; not - Click the Save button.
- Publish the asset.
Add More Information about Assets
Working with Widgets
How to Create a Call to Action Widget
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Call to Action Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Put the appropriate call to action text in the Call to Action Text field.
Note: This will appear as part of the content of the widget and should be only a few words. - Choose the Button Type of Standard or Overlay.
Note: Overlay buttons should link only to overlay template pages for the pop-up functionality. - Type in or browse to a URL for the link.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create a Connect with Us Widget
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Connect with Us Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Check the box next to each social media type you wish to display.
- Enter a fully qualified URL (beginning with http:// or https://) for each social media type you wish to display.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create a Gallery Widget
Note: Add extra notes.
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Gallery Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Optional: Give your widget a heading text.
Note: This will appear above the content area of the widget. - Optional: Choose a heading size for the heading text.
- Optional: Type in or browse to a URL for the heading text.
- Add more instructions.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create an iFrame Widget
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the iFrame Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Optional: Give your widget a heading text.
Note: This will appear above the content area of the widget. - Optional: Choose a heading size for the heading text.
- Optional: Type in or browse to a URL for the heading text.
- Enter the iFrame code in the text box.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create an Image Widget
Note: The Image Widget is only for the impact area and must be 960 px wide by 450 px high. In order to create an Image Widget, an image must first exist on the site and be sized appropriately. See How to Upload Files if the image does not exist on the site.
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Image Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Enter an image URL or browse for an existing image in the Select Image Path area.
Note: This will place you in the department's images folder. If your image is in another location, simply navigate to that folder. - Enter an Image Description.
Note: This is required for accessibility purposes and shows as the alternate description if an image is turned off on a browser. - Optional: Enter an Image Link by typing in a URL or browsing for the file.
- Optional: Select the Force New Window checkbox to have the selected file open in a new window/tab.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create an RSS Widget
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the RSS Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Enter a title of your RSS in the RSS Title field.
- Enter the full URL of the RSS feed including either http:// or feed://.
- Set the number of RSS items to be displayed. The default is 5.
- Set whether to display the description or excerpt of the RSS items.
- Set whether to display the date the RSS items were published.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. The file name will end in .pcf. - Click the Create button.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create a Tab Widget
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Tab Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Optional: Give your widget a heading text.
Note: This will appear above the content area of the widget. - Optional: Choose a heading size for the heading text.
- Optional: Type in or browse to a URL for the heading text.
- For each tab that to be displayed, select the Show Tab checkbox.
- Enter a Tab Heading for each tab to be displayed.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- In the edit window, select the region to edit.
- Click the Save button.
Note: This will bring you to the Preview window. - Click the Edit button and repeat steps 12 and 13 for each tab.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create a Text Widget
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Text Widget template.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Optional: Give your widget a heading text.
Note: This will appear above the content area of the widget. - Optional: Choose a heading size for the heading text.
- Optional: Type in or browse to a URL for the heading text.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- See "Basic Steps to Edit Content" under the "Edit Existing Pages" section.
- Click the Save button when you are done editing.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create a Toggle Widget
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Toggle Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Optional: Give your widget a heading text.
Note: This will appear above the content area of the widget. - Optional: Choose a heading size for the heading text.
- Optional: Type in or browse to a URL for the heading text.
- For each toggle to be displayed, select the Show Toggle checkbox.
- Enter a Toggle Heading for each toggle to be displayed.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- In the edit window, select the region to edit.
Note: This will appear once a toggle heading is selected. - Click the Save button.
Note: This will bring you to the Preview window. - Click the Edit button and repeat steps 12 and 13 for each tab.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.
How to Create a Video Widget
Note: In order to create a Video Widget, the video must first exist on YouTube or Vimeo.
- If you are not logged on, see How to Log In to Modern Campus CMS.
- Click the Content tab.
- Click the New button.
- Click the Video Widget.
Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder. - Optional: Give your widget a heading text.
Note: This will appear above the content area of the widget. - Optional: Choose a heading size for the heading text.
- Optional: Type in or browse to a URL for the heading text.
- Select YouTube or Vimeo from the Video Type drop-down.
- Enter only the Video ID.
Note: This is typically located in the URL. For YouTube it is the characters after ?v= and for Vimeo it is after - Optional: Enter the YouTube playlist id.
Note: The YouTube playlist ID is located after the 'list=' in the YouTube URL. - From the YouTube site click Share under your video.
- Give your widget a filename.
Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension. - Click the Create button.
- See Basic Steps to Publish Content.