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Pepperdine | Community

RSS Widget



The RSS widget allows for pulling an RSS feed URL that may display from 1 to 15 feed items. Some optional settings include displaying the date of the feed item, the author, and the description or excerpt of the feed item.



Recommended Sizes

Two-thirds | Half | Third



Preview RSS Widget



Creating & Editing a RSS Widget


  1. If you are not logged on, see How to Log On to Modern Campus CMS.
  2. Click the Content tab.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. Click the RSS Widget.
    Note: You do not need to be in the widgets folder as all widgets will be created in each department's widgets folder.
  5. Optional: the Heading Text, Heading Size, and URL sections.
    Note:The heading text will appear above the content area of the widget.
  6. Enter the full URL of the RSS feed including either http:// or feed://.
  7. Set the number of RSS items to be displayed.
    Note: Recommend 3 to 5 items.
  8. Set whether to display the description or excerpt of the RSS items.
  9. Set whether to display the publish date of the RSS items.
  10. Give your widget a filename.
    Note: It is highly recommended to begin the name of the widget with its type followed by the purpose of the widget with hyphens in between. Do not enter a file extension, and make sure to only use lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens.
  11. Click the Create button.
  12. See Basic Steps to Publish Content.

Review and Edit

  • To edit the RSS widget setting check-out the widget and go to the Properties Button.
  • Save and Publish.