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Font Icon Snippet



The font icon snippet is a simple way to visually enhance a web page using the 'icons' snippet. There are 31 different types of Font Awesome Icons to choose from. To see the complete list of available icons, please check out the All Snippets page.






Recommended Positions

left, center, right


Preview Font Icon




Creating & Editing a Button Widget


  1. If you are not logged on, see How to Log On to Modern Campus CMS.
  2. Checkout the page.
  3. Click the Content tab
  4. From the Wysiwyg menu, click on insert snippet (the puzzle piece), from the dropdown choose "icons" or you can type "icons" in the filter and select (see image below).

  5. Enter the icon name (see font icons for details here).
  6.  Enter Icon Alt Description, Icon Size (jumbo), and the Icon Position (left, center, right).

Review and Edit:

  • Save and Publish.