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Switzerland Summer GE Program

Chateau d'Hauteville

Nestled in the hills above Vevey, Switzerland, with unparalleled views of Lake Geneva and the Swiss, Italian, and French Alps, the historic Château d'Hauteville will serve our Pepperdine community on this stunning international campus. Its central location in Europe allows for easy train access to all the major cities of Europe.

Program Dates

May 11, 2024 - June 27, 2024

*Dates above indicate a planned departure date from the US and in-country return departure date.


Tuition: $2,070 per unit (same as Malibu tution per unit)

Housing & Food: $4,718

Program Specific Costs: 

  • City Bed Tax & Swiss Health Fee: $323
  • Global Health Fee: $175


Course Requirements

7 unit minimum requirement. Students must take FRE 121 if they have no previous French language experience, even if they have met their GE language requirement with another language.

Some courses are scheduled at the same time and therefore cannot be taken in combination:

  • TBD

Summer 2024 Switzerland Textbook List

Course Offerings

Dr. Hooten Wilson is on leave during Fall 2023, please contact the International Programs office with all inquiries about the Switzerland Summer 2024 program.

BIOL 107: Plants and the Environment (4)

GE: Lab Science

Studies the relationships of plants to the environment, with emphasis on the importance of plants to humans for food, fiber, fuel, and medicine. Emphasis will also be given to the management and preservation of our natural vegetation resources of Swiss Alpine plants, vegetation, trees, and high-altitude meadows. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Does not count for major credit, nor does the grade received count in the major GPA. Tier I laboratory fee will be assessed. 

FRE 121: French Language and Culture (1) 

Teaches basic, practical conversation and limited reading and writing skills along with a study of French culture. This course does not prepare a student to take FRE 152. Taught only in the French language program during the summer term. Two sections offered.

FRE 251: Second-Year French I (4) 

GE: Language  Prerequisite: FRE 152 or equivalent competency. 

Emphasizes language production skills and interactive language use with a concentration on conversation. This course also develops reading strategies and examines complex grammar structures. Students must earn a minimum grade of C- before they can advance to subsequent courses.

ENG 380 Topics in Literature (4)

GE: Literature

Prerequisite: ENG 101 or equivalent.

Examines a given topic in literary studies. The course may be focused on a theme, a movement, a historical period, or a genre. May be repeated once when topics vary. 

Topic for this Program: European Women Writers 1000-1700: Questions about Faith & Culture

HUM 212: Western Culture II (3)

GE: Western Culture

Prerequisite: HUM 111, ENG 101 (or GSHU 121 or SAAJ 121)

An analysis and interpretation of six major historical “events” during the time period 1300–1815 and their cultural implications: Renaissance, Reformation, Intercultural Encounters, Science, Enlightenment, the French Revolution. Students will achieve cultural literacy in these areas and develop skills in cultural interpretation and analysis. 

HUM 295: Enriching the International Experience (1)

This course is designed to enrich the student’s international experience by providing opportunities to engage more fully with the culture and to reflect more deeply on the experience. It is the goal of this course to help students know how to look at and listen to their new culture and how to give meaning to their international experience. Taught only in International Programs. May be repeated in a different location. Cr/NC grading only.

HUM 313: Western Culture III (3)

GE: Western Culture

Prerequisite: HUM 212

Focused on a particular topic in modern culture, the course will use historical narrative of the time period 1815 to the present as a background for investigation into a particular theme or themes. Students will engage with and assess varying cultural and historical interpretations. Students will achieve cultural literacy in the modern period and demonstrate their skill in synthesizing and evaluating diverse historical and cultural interpretations. 

PE 191: Individual Exercise (1) 

Extra fee required.

SOC 200: Introduction to Sociology (3)

GE: Human Institutions and Behavior

A general introduction to the history, principles, and methodology of sociology intended for non-sociology majors. Emphasis is on introducing students to the sociological analysis of human groups, institutions, and societies. 

REL 300: Christianity and Culture (3) 

GE: Christianity & Culture

Prerequisite: REL 200 or 102

Illuminates and evaluates how Christian scripture, theology, history, and practices interact with perennial human concerns, with a course-specific focus.



Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson

Dr. Jessica Hooten Wilson ('04)

Fletcher Jones Chair of Great Books
Humanities and Teacher Education DivisionSeaver College

Throughout her career, Wilson has distinguished herself as a great books specialist. Since earning her Ph.D. in Religion from Baylor University, she has published six books centered around literature and the importance of reading – one of which, Giving the Devil his Due: Flannery O’Connor and The Brothers Karamazov, received Christianity Today’s Book of the Year Award in the Culture and the Arts. In addition to these bound texts, Wilson has published six scholarly articles focused on Flannery O’Connor, Walker Percy, and literary pedagogy in various peer-reviewed, academic journals. 

Prior to becoming a faculty member at Seaver College, Wilson worked as an educator at numerous higher education institutions including the University of Dallas, John Brown University, the University of St. Thomas, and Baylor University. She has also served as a professional development advisor and keynote speaker at a number of classical Christian schools and Christian colleges.

Wilson received her Bachelor of Arts from Pepperdine University in Creative Writing and her Master’s Degree in English from the University of Dallas. 

Dr. Hooten Wilson is on leave during Fall 2023, please contact the International Programs office with all inquiries about the Switzerland Summer 2024 program.

Updated: 09.11.23