Marketing Request Form Requestor Information First Name Last Name Pepperdine Email Are there additional contacts for this request?Yes Additional Contacts First Name Last Name Pepperdine Email Request Affiliated Pepperdine SchoolPlease select... Graziadio Business School Caruso School of Law Graduate School of Education and Psychology School of Public Policy Seaver Please select which category and subcategory of requests below. Social MediaBlog Post RequestNewsroom Article RequestEmail RequestNew Materials Request (Budget Required)Existing Materials Request (Coordinating Availability)Website Edit/New Page RequestFaculty Profile PageSpecial Projects/Requests Type of social media requestPlease select... Event Promotion/Coverage Request Announcement/Stand Alone Post Request Please share details or content for your requested social posts Type of email requestPlease select... Announcement/Stand Alone Email Request Event Promotion Request Type of new material requestPlease select... Branded Signage Request (Banners, Step and Repeats) Print Collateral Request Promotional Item Request (Swag or Premiums) Type of existing materials requestPlease select... Branded Signage Request (Banners, Step and Repeats) Print Collateral Request Promotional Item Request (Swag or Premiums) Website Edit RequestPlease select... New Page Request Current Website Edit Please provide the existing url and any edits you wish to have made Please provide the proposed location of your webpage and a link to the google doc with any content and images you wish to be included Faculty Profile PagePlease select... New Profile Request Profile Edit Request Remove Profile Request Briefly describe the requested changes to your page Please include the url of the profile that needs to be removed Please provide the existing url and any edits you wish to have made Please include a google doc that includes the following items: Faculty title, phone number, LinkedIn profile (optional), Resume, Faculty Portrait, Bio, Education experience, Research, Awards, Presentations, Grants, Media, Topics taught, Courses taught Please include office number Please share any additional details related to your request and provide any content or budget where appropriate Please upload any images for this request Requested Completion Date I understand that some requests have estimated timelines that may impact the viability of my requested completion date. A university marketing representative will followup within two working days to discuss your request in more details.I agree