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The Pepperdine stationery system (letterhead, business card, #10 envelope, and note card) is the official print communication vehicle representing the employee and their role within the University.

All components of the stationery system are built on the same design template and on the same custom paper. This consistent design and brand identity usage helps to strengthen the Pepperdine brand identity, and visually represent the relationship between the employee, the University, and a school, center, institute, division, or department.

Custom letterhead, business cards, note cards, and envelopes are not permitted.

Stationery Policy

Faculty/Staff Business Card

The Pepperdine business card places emphasis on the employee and the employee's role at Pepperdine.

Required Business Card Content

  • First and last name of the employee
  • Full job title
  • Name of school, department, center, institute, or division (where applicable)
  • Work phone
  • Work email

Optional Business Card Content

Optional business card content is subject to the space considerations of the card after the required content is included.

  • Terminal degree listings (PhD, JD, etc.) and licensed degrees (licensed practitioner). Only terminal degrees and licenses are allowed after the name, and only if they are relevant to the employee's role at Pepperdine. All degrees are listed without punctuation.
  • URL. and school-level URLs are the only ones allowed.
  • Business address. Given the limited amount of information on the card, and the fact that navigation is handled digitally now, we no longer require this field.
  • Fax number

Disallowed Business Card Content

  • Honorific titles (Dr., etc.)
  • Courtesy titles (Mr., Mrs., etc.)
  • Web language (http://, www, etc.)
  • Pepperdine Community links (only links are available)
  • Social media links
  • Marketing slogans or tag lines
  • Personal information or anything outside the scope of the employee's role at Pepperdine, including links to personal URLs or unofficial Pepperdine channels.
  • Information or graphics printed on the back of the card
  • QR codes


Student Business Card

The Pepperdine student business card is provided as a service to the student for the benefit of internship and externship recruitment, career placement, and other engagements that fall within the scope of the University's academic enterprise. Student business cards are designed to indicate that the student has an official academic relationship with the University. They do not indicate that the student is an employee or agent of the University, nor do they imply that a student represents the University in any official capacity.

Required Business Card Content

  • First and last name of the student
  • [Full degree name} Candidate
  • Degree Completion Year
  • Preferred phone
  • University email address
  • Name of school(s)
  • School-level URL(s)

Students officially enrolled in joint degree programs may list the degree and school information for each program.

Optional Business Card Content

  • Middle name or initial
  • Terminal degree listings (PhD, JD, etc.) and licensed degrees (licensed practitioner). Only terminal degrees and licenses are allowed after the name. All degrees are listed without punctuation.

Disallowed Business Card Content

  • Honorific titles (Dr., etc.)
  • Courtesy titles (Mr., Mrs., etc.)
  • Web language (http://, www, etc.)
  • Fax number
  • Pepperdine Community links (only links are available)
  • Social media links
  • Personal information or anything outside the scope of the student's role at Pepperdine, including links to personal URLs or unofficial Pepperdine channels.


The Pepperdine letterhead places emphasis on the University, school, center, institute, division, or department.

Required Letterhead Content—header

  • Name of school, center, institute, division, or department (where applicable). This information resides beneath the Pepperdine logo.

Required Letterhead Content—footer

  • Work address. While the zip code is required, the +4 extension is optional.
  • Work phone. Since the letterhead represents the department and not the employee, the phone should be the general contact number for the department.
  • The fax number is optional
  • URL— is the default URL and is the required minimum. School level URLs are required for all schools (,,,, Currently, Pepperdine Community links are not available for the University stationery. Only URLs are acceptable.

If needed, one level is available beyond the forward slash after the primary URL. ex: (if space becomes an issue due to URL length, contact Keith Lungwitz at 1440).

Disallowed Letterhead Content

  • Web language (https://, www, etc.)
  • Pepperdine Community links (only links are available)
  • Social media links
  • Personal information or anything outside the scope of the employee's role at Pepperdine, including links to personal URLs or unofficial Pepperdine channels.

Electronic Letterhead

An electronic version of the Pepperdine letterhead (a Microsoft Word template) is also available. Please contact Printing Services at, or Roshie Hu in IMC at

The electronic version of the letterhead is only used for email or other digital communication. Do not print and distribute paper copies of the electronic letterhead. The official university letterhead should be used for all print correspondence.

How to Order Stationery

Printing Services is the only official vendor for printing all stationery. Please contact Printing Services at to place your order.

For questions regarding the stationery policy or strategy. please contact Amanda Pisani, University Editor, at 1447.