Typographic identity for the University takes many forms. It encompasses not only the University's publications but also environmental and way-finding graphics, vehicles, clothing, and just about any application that visually represents the University.
While Pepperdine does not have an official typeface, it is recommended to use the free typefaces from Google fonts. Besides being free to use they are designed to work in both print and digital spaces
For print, the recommended point size for body text is 10 points, with a minimum of 8 points.
For the web, the recommended point size for body text is 13 pixels.
Typeface application
General use
The Pepperdine typeface strategy is centered around three ideas:
- A sans-serif typeface that has a clean, contemporary look
- A typeface that is designed to work well in both print and digital spaces
- A typeface that is open-source. The typeface must be easily be acquired by any end-user without licensing or monetary restrictions.
Roboto Condensed is a highly recommended typeface for satisfying this strategy. It is a free, open-source sans-serif typeface and can be downloaded from the Google open-source library. In rare instances, a serif typeface might be appropriate. In that case Lora is the recommended typeface. It too is an open-source typeface and is free to download from Google.
Web and digital
Helvetica is the principal typeface for the web, while Source Sans Pro is the recommended typeface for all other digital applications. Please refer to the web style guide for details.