Purchasing Tips & Tricks
The Purchasing Tips and Tricks page is designed to support the community in completing a PeopleSoft Requisition. This page outlines some do's and don'ts when completing the online form. As always the Purchasing staff is here to help.
Pepperdine University requires Contracts, Quotes, Agreements, or Scope of Work for all PeopleSoft Requisitions. Below are standards and guidelines for the documentation.
- Per the University's Execution of Documents all contracts and agreements must be signed by the appropriate PeopleSoft level approver. Only those approvers have the authority to engage the University in business
- Approvers need to Esign or endorse all Contracts, Agreements, or Quotes prior to services occurring
- Suppliers countersign is required prior to the service start date
- PeopleSoft Approvals are to approve the budget. Requisition approvals do not take the place of contract approvals
- Agreements over $ 75,000.00 should be reviewed by General Counsel
Back Up Documentation
All PeopleSoft Requisitions require back up documentation for processing.
- Back up documentation must in PDF format only
- Invoices should not be included as they are for payment processing
- Quotes, Agreements, Contracts, Scope of work must be included
- For parties of 10 or less, names must be listed (CWIDs if applicable)
- Mileage reimbursements require a MapQuest/Google maps, including the beginning and ending location
- Proof of Payment is required such as the last 4 digits of card, or cash or check
- Venmo, PayPal or other 3rd party payment processors should not be used unless the payment method is specified and there is sufficient back up documentation
- Stipends, Subsistence Payments, Honorariums, and Deposits all require back up documentation
- Acceptable forms of back up are letters or emails sent to each recipient
- Wire Bank Forms are required for all International Suppliers. Emails from Supplier confirming the Wire Bank information are required as well
- Alcohol is prohibited unless previously signed off by a University Vice President. The reason for approval should be stated and signed. This document must be attached to the Requisition
- Good rule of thumb is to include too much, Purchasing can remove erroneous items if need be
Requisition Requirements
Requisitions are the University's ways of requesting Goods and Services to outside suppliers. Purchase Orders are directly derived from a PeopleSoft requisition.
- Requisitions should always mirror the quotes. For example, if your quote has multiple lines for Goods and Services, your Requisition should as well
- Orders requiring Deposits, or multiple payments must be added as separate lines on the requisition
- If your requisition has a payment plan, your requisition should be set up to show that
- Taxable and Non-Taxable items must be separated
- Tax should not be added to the Requisition as it is accrued on the Purchase Order and charged back to the designated chartstring
- Consulting Services provided by an out of state supplier that take place both in California and remotely must be separated
- Descriptions for Requisitions should state a clear business purposes, and should include dates and locations
- Requisitions should answer the 5W's (who, what, when, where and why) of the order
Requisition Requirements-PUSTU
- Requisitions should answer the 5W's (who, what, when, where and why) of the student reimbursement request
- Missing receipts over $ 25.00 require a University Vice President's signature
- Uber and Lyft Receipts are always required. 3rd party payment processors do not replace those receipts
- Proof of payment including the last 4 digits of the card used for payment is required
- Receipts over 120 days must be processed under PUNIV as they are now considered taxable income
Good Business Practice
There are a few items below that should always be taken into consideration when negotiating with an outside supplier.
- Coach or equal is the preferred class for airline travel
- Additional internet should not be purchased unless it can be substantiated
- Gratuities should not exceed 20%
- Be sure to include everything on Requisitions. We accept any and all forms of correspondence. There is no such thing as too much!
Last Updated: 07/13/2021