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How to Reallocate

  1. Log into WaveNet
  2. Under Finance Self Service tab, locate the credit cards section and click on the "Reallocate Statement" link.

    How to Reallocate
    How to Reallocate

  3. Click on the Search Look-Up Icon next to Employee ID or Employee Name.
    Reallocate Statement Search
  4. Search for and click on the employee ID or name of the person whose card you want to reallocate.

    Employee ID
  5. Click on the Search button to proceed to the Credit Card Transactions page.

    Credit Card Transactions
  6. From the Credit Card Transactions page click "View all".

    View all

    Note: By default only 9 transactions will be visible. If you have more than 100 transactions PeopleSoft will display 100 per page.

  7. Click on the "distribution" button. This will take you to the Account Distribution page.


  8. On the Account Distribution page you can enter the appropriate chartfield string for the transaction you selected.

    Account Distribution

    Note: If you need more information on chartfield specifics, contact your Major Area Budget Manager.
    • If you need to split the transaction between two or more chartfield strings, you may add a line by clicking the plus sign at the very right end of the chartfield section. A transaction can be split by percent or amount.

      Split the Transaction
  9. Once all chart fields have been entered correctly, click OK. This will take you back to the Credit Card Transactions page.

    Note: It is recommended that you save often. If you don't save regularly, after 30 minutes, you will be logged out and any unsaved progress will be lost.

  10. There are two ways to validate the budget for your transactions:
    • We recommend you select Run Budget Validation on Save. With this selected, a budget check will run automatically each time you save.

      Run Budget Validation

    • You may also run a budget check manually by selecting as many reallocated transactions as you like and clicking on the Validate Budget button.

      Budget Check Manually
  11. Either way you validate your budget, the final result should be that you have saved your progress and the right side of every transaction looks like this:

    Final Result


Budget Validation Errors

If you receive an error upon budget validation:

  • Click Error under Budget Status to view the budget exception.

    Budget Status

The reason for the error will be under the Exception column. If you need more information about the error, click More Detail or contact your Major Area Budget Manager.


Last Updated: 11/17/2021