New Program Chairs Orientation
One of the responsibilities of Program Chairs is to lead their committee on assessment-related tasks. Below are the primary responsibilities related to assessment for Program Chairs:
- Lead Program Committee effort to identify and update appropriate program learning outcomes (PLOs)
- Collaborate with program faculty and relevant Associate Dean to ensure that PLOs are addressed in the program curriculum at least twice within five years, per AACSB standards.
- Work with the relevant Associate Dean and Director of Accreditation to develop and implement a framework for assessing progress toward attaining PLOs. This would include 5-year reviews and MOUs.
- Advocate for assessment within your committee and to the faculty teaching courses in your program.
- After Accreditation and Assessment Team reach out to faculty, if you do not see a response, follow up with those faculty members.
- Maintain and update the assessment task list in your designated assessment portfolio, which can be found at the bottom of each individual program page.
- Complete Annual Student Achievement Report, review assessment data within the report, and make minor or major curricular improvements annually.
- Use assessment data to inform curriculum change, and not the other way around!
Below are several helpful buttons and links for Program Chairs to review: