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New Program Chairs Orientation

One of the responsibilities of Program Chairs is to lead their committee on assessment-related tasks. Below are the primary responsibilities related to assessment for Program Chairs:

  1. Lead Program Committee effort to identify and update appropriate program learning outcomes (PLOs)
  2. Collaborate with program faculty and relevant Associate Dean to ensure that PLOs are addressed in the program curriculum at least twice within five years, per AACSB standards.
  3. Work with the relevant Associate Dean and Director of Accreditation to develop and implement a framework for assessing progress toward attaining PLOs. This would include 5-year reviews and MOUs.
  4. Advocate for assessment within your committee and to the faculty teaching courses in your program.
  5. After Accreditation and Assessment Team reach out to faculty, if you do not see a response, follow up with those faculty members.
  6. Maintain and update the assessment task list in your designated assessment portfolio, which can be found at the bottom of each individual program page.
  7. Complete Annual Student Achievement Report, review assessment data within the report, and make minor or major curricular improvements annually. 
  8. Use assessment data to inform curriculum change, and not the other way around!

Below are several helpful buttons and links for Program Chairs to review:




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