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Get Involved: 2024 Fall Canvas Pilot


The 2024-2025 LMS Study is underway.  We will be hosting a pilot program with the Canvas LMS for the Fall 2024 term.

Canvas System Expectations

The Technology & Learning team continues to set-up and configure the Canvas LMS prior to the Fall 2024 pilot. The Canvas system may need to undergo scheduled (or unscheduled) maintenance to improve the strength of the system for all pilot participants. Course content in participating classes will be safe from any set-up or configuration updates due to maintenance. 

Only participating faculty and students can login to Canvas during the pilot. We appreciate your patience and understanding while Technology & Learning commits important resources to ensure a successful pilot experience for participating faculty and students.

Participation Benefits

Participating faculty and their students will help shape the future of Pepperdine's learning landscape. The feedback provided during pilot surveys and focus groups will influence the University's academic leadership when they decide whether to stay with Courses/Sakai or move to Canvas LMS.

  • Have a voice in the future of LMS platforms for Pepperdine
  • Experience the market-leading LMS (Canvas)
  • Gain a head start if Pepperdine chooses Canvas as its next LMS
  • Use a familiar platform, if you taught or learned with Canvas in the past
  • Enjoy the Canvas LMS mobile apps for learners and teachers

Participating Instructor Expectations

Class Selections

Participating instructors can only teach one class/section in Canvas for the Fall 2024 Canvas LMS Pilot. All other Fall 2024 classes/sections delivered by the participating instructor must continue using the designated LMS for their program. Participating instructors and classes will be coordinated through the Associate/Divisional dean for your school/division.

Time Commitment

The participating instructor must complete 2-3 feedback surveys and focus groups during the Fall term, taking 2-4 hours to complete over the course of the Fall term.

The time commitment to design a new class site in Pepperdine Canvas will vary. It depends on how much the participating instructor wants to replicate, change, or improve their current instructional processes and content. 

Canvas Live Summer Training

TechLearn has arranged several live training sessions with Canvas that cover multiple topics. A training schedule with tentative dates and agenda can be viewed below. Recordings will also be posted as they become available.

Table of Training Schedule and Recordings
Date Time Topic Recording
July 2, 2024 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Pacific Introduction to Canvas Watch Intro Recording
July 16, 2024 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Pacific Building Assignments, Assignments Index Page, Rubrics, Speedgrader, Account Notifications Watch Assignments Recording
July 19, 2024 8:15 AM to 9:45 AM Pacific Building New Quizzes, Quizzes Index Page, Question Types, Quiz Settings, Quiz Reports, Question/Item Banks Watch New Quizzes Recording
July 26, 2024 9:00 AM to 10:30 AM Pacific Analytics, People, Gradebook, Syllabus, Attendance, Files Coming soon

Instructional Design Assistance

To assist with instructional design needs, TechLearn will be prioritizing training and design consultations in the months leading up to the fall term for all participating instructors. Consultation sessions will be scheduled directly between TechLearn and the participating instructors before the start of the term. 

Additionally, TechLearn is collaborating with Canvas (Instructure) to create a template site that will be available to all participating faculty to reduce the strain of starting a new class site from scratch. 

Participating Student Expectations

Although students in the participating classes will not be able to opt-out of using Canvas during the pilot, student participation in surveys or focus groups is 100% voluntary. Student feedback is encouraged and will be invaluable to the LMS Study. Student voices will inform and influence academic decision-makers regarding the future of learning tools at Pepperdine. We strongly encourage student participation and feedback during the pilot.

Third-Party Tools

Several third-party tools will be available for instructors during the pilot. These tools include:

  • Zoom Pro
  • Turnitin
  • Panopto
  • H5P
  • Linkedin Learning
  • Library Guides

Although Canvas LMS offers many other options for integrating additional third-party tools, we must focus our efforts on a successful pilot. Given limited resources and time, we cannot explore additional third-party tools during the pilot. If Canvas is selected as our next LMS, we will launch a formal process for Third-Party LTI and other tool integration options for schools and professors. We appreciate the community’s understanding.

Canvas LMS Pilot Support and Documentation 

Multiple support options are available within the Canvas LMS itself, including a Tier 1 direct support phone number and live chat. In addition, faculty members may consult with the TechLearn team during the pilot.

How to Access

Instructors will be provided with the pilot website. Class professors will communicate with their students how to access the Pepperdine Canvas LMS Pilot service.

Immediate Help

Faculty and students who need immediate assistance with the Pepperdine Canvas LMS Pilot should contact Canvas Tier-1 Support directly:

  • Log into the Pepperdine Canvas LMS
  • Select "Help" in the left menu
    • Use the "Chat with Canvas Support" option based on your role
    • Use the "Canvas Support Hotline" to call for support

Note: Since support numbers are specific to Pepperdine University Canvas support, we are not allowed to publish the numbers on public websites. Users must log in and use the instructions above. Issues logging in should be directed to Tech Central at (310) 506-4357.

Self-Help Guides and Documentation


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