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Web Editing Access and Training



Requesting Editing Access

New Editors

For new users, please have them complete the Modern Campus CMS Access Request Form (formerly Omni CMS). The form collects the information we need to enroll them in the Web Accessibility Training course and add them as a user in Modern Campus CMS. New requests must filled out by the person requesting access. Once we get their submission and notice of passing the accessibility course, we will grant them access to Modern Campus CMS and send them an introductory email that contains all the self-training resources on how to edit webpages.

Existing Editors

If you are an existing web editor in Modern Campus CMS and have changed roles or need access to another area of the site, please contact Kim Love directly via email and specify what pages/URLs you need access to edit.

Navigation Edits

Navigation edits are managed centrally by the IMC web team and requests can be submitted through the Navigation Request form. If working on multiple navigation and URL changes within your site, please fill out the IMC project request form.



Web Editing Guides for Modern Campus CMS



Other Training Guides